First Dayharwicks-art on DeviantArt

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harwicks-art's avatar

First Day



Learning magic is probably nerve-wracking enough without having a sun goddess/ruler of the Kingdom (Principality?) as your teacher...

If you're looking to ask me for permission to use this artwork in a not-for-profit way, feel free and make something awesome with it, but know that I neither created nor own the characters. And, of course, please don't take credit for my work. It's just not a nice thing to do.

After being told to do so numerous times, I have finally set up a tip jar at Ko-Fi:
If you're feeling generous and would like to encourage me, feel free to drop me a small amount... it would be most appreciated!
Image size
1200x658px 1.02 MB
anonymous's avatar
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fanfics4ever's avatar
she's so nervous-cited!