Sunsetharlequin-wondercat on DeviantArt

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harlequin-wondercat's avatar




Donated contest prize for :iconcerona: in =boribaby's Elements Contest.

This is stupidly overdue. *cerona should have had this months ago, but my life has just been jam-packed since February and I have had to cram this in the teeny tiny wedges of spare time that I've had.

It features her incredibly handsome character Sierra galloping along the edge of a lake at sunset. I wanted to try something a bit different in order to spice this up a bit, so tried the sunset palette. I had great fun with the water, as per usual, although it took about three times the amount of time that it usually does. The spray under Sierra's hooves also took ages, and I'm not completely happy with it, but I've had enough of fiddling with it.

Anyway, I really hope that you like it *cerona, and I have to apologise yet again for how very, very delayed this prize had been.

Sierra (c) :iconcerona:
Art (c) Me
Image size
3100x3100px 4.05 MB
© 2010 - 2025 harlequin-wondercat
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AnimalLover345's avatar
Wow! I love this so much!
I was wondering; how did you make the background? :3