Bye-bye, deviantartHardEnonn on DeviantArt

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HardEnonn's avatar

Bye-bye, deviantart

Character  Alice sharkLocation  Shark shark shark


Because of the current situation with DeviantArt, when the platform without the permission of artists began to use the works to learn AI, I no longer want to put my works here. It’s not even just this one. Now, when DeviantArt started to promote this topic, this site stopped being for people, it turned into some sort of AI art dump in a mix with the works of artists. There are a lot of people who publish AI art, literally passing it off as their work and taking commssion work. Such authors do their work in five minutes and publish it every half hour. For 3 days of "works" of such authors, they will gather more audience than I in 2 years. In a week such people will gather more audience than those who share their creativity here for 12 years. It’s very sad, but the owner of the platform chose the path for her, these two years I had a lot of fun here, I was very warmly welcomed by my followers who supported me with each new art. Thank you so much!

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© 2022 - 2025 HardEnonn
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JanaCantDraw's avatar

>>For 3 days of "works" of such authors, they will gather more audience than I in 2 years. In a week such people will gather more audience than those who share their creativity here for 12 years.

Ohhhh, I was fucking upset when I saw that one of these guys reached about 500 watchers in three days. For my NSFW account it took six years. Now this person already have more than 1100 (a little more than a week was passed since they created their account).