A Moment Like ThisHardcoreYaoi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hardcoreyaoi/art/A-Moment-Like-This-95272662HardcoreYaoi

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A Moment Like This



I've always thought shots like these were super cute, so I decided to draw one. :3
Well, at first I was aiming for SasuNaru, but Sasuke didn't turn out the way I'd hoped... ^^; To me, Sasuke isn't Sasuke without his duck-butt hair. And since they're laying down, I can't draw the back of their heads to indicate that it really is Sasuke. =/
So... it's Shikamaru... xD
Anyway, I guess it's up to the person viewing this to decide whether or not it's SasuNaru/ShikaNaru. XD

And another thing... I've come to realize that all my GOOD drawings end up on lined paper... T^T
So...ignore the lines to the best of your abilities... Thanks~!

Edit: Thank you, ~SeaMistress89 for the awesome title!!
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1516x2102px 607.14 KB
© 2008 - 2025 HardcoreYaoi
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