Pokemon Trainer Snow WhiteHapuriainen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hapuriainen/art/Pokemon-Trainer-Snow-White-541986433Hapuriainen

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Pokemon Trainer Snow White



14-year-old Snow White, real name Blanche but nobody uses it, lives at the edge of Viridian Forest near the mountains with her father, mother and seven brothers. The family business is mining and the majority of their income comes from finding raw material for evolutinary stones. Snow White too has spent a lot of time in the caves ever since she was young and loves everything about mining. Since she spends majority of her time underground searching for valuable minerals with her Diglett army she doesn't get a lot of sun and remains super pale, earning her the nickname Snow White.

Snow White has a practical and adaptible personality and she doesn't fuss over things, instead trying to maintain a positive outlook even in unpleasant situations or just dealing with it like a boss. She knows who she is and what she wants and doesn't really care what anyone else thinks about her. However, she wasn't always as chill as nowadays. When she was young her stepsister Evvie (from her father's previous marriage with Grimhilde) had her eat a cupcake with Leppa Berries, something Snow White was allergic to. Little Evvie was jealous of Snow White's cuteness and hoped that Snow White would get a rash, but the allergic reaction was dangerously serious, landing Snow White in a hospital for a while.

After the Leppa Berry episode Snow White's parents became overly protective of her and started even forbidding her from going to the mines they considered too dangerous. For a few years Snow White put up with the restricted life like a good girl should despite growing frustrated, but at some point she had enough. She started visiting Pewter City under the guise of seeing Evvie (with whom she had remained on speaking terms), but while Snow White's parents thought that the girls were playing nicely at Evvie's home, in reality they spent their nights engaging in shady street gang activities.

Snow White could continue her gang life for around a year, but her parents found out when her grades started to plummet. After that the whole issue was resolved in a rather anticlimactic way by talking things through, and since then Snow White has been allowed to have more freedom. Which means that she spends more time in caves than ever, often camping deep in unexplored caverns for days. Her other interests include baking, keeping the house clean and ironically enough collecting Leppa Berry themed items as a sign of victory.


There are some things I'm not completely satisfied with, but I've been sitting on this for a year already and can't move to other characters without the thought of finishing Snow White first nagging in my head. So here she is. This one went pretty far from her original characterisation in the movie, but I don't really care, I had a lot of fun with her and in the movie she doesn't do that much anyway.


Ariel | Belle
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kalbright3275's avatar

Now, Snow White has got a secret, special name!