Hanoru's avatar


Hiatus! orz
239 Watchers135 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (260)
birthdAy '13: Celebrated lucky birthday #13
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Icon by :iconvanny-nyah:

My younger sister :iconmelloody:

Name: Elisabeth M.
Nickname: Eli/hanoru/kentang/Egu/Egaw
Age: 15 y.o
Birthdate: 19th April
Country, City: Indonesia, Jakarta
Grade: 10th grade
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
* I love my active watchers!!! > v * my favorite color is blue, and I like red as well :3
* insects
* fire //I never want to go near fire//
* creepy and scary things ;;;; //but I like to draw creepy things sometimes//
* fake friends and people

I draw digital and traditional, but mostly uploads digital > v O
I can speak Indonesian well, but not so well in English ; v ;

feel free to be my friend~ I won't mind if you're bad or good, as long as you're nice with me, I'll be nice with you :3
ah but if you want me to teach you about something, it's hard to make me agree since I've teach some people and most of them were really ungrateful :'3 so I'll only teach you when I know you well or if you pay me fair enough xD //shot //sorry if it sounds stingy but I just don't want to feel hurt anymore ; v ;//

oh yeah, just for information, I'm a bit negative thinking, and my mood gets bad easily,, ; v ;

Hana's VB: will be updated later
My Instagram: instagram.com/hanoruu
My Tumblr: hanoruu.tumblr.com/
My Twitter: twitter.com/hanoru_
My Pixiv: pixiv.me/hanoruu
My Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/HanaMizuiro
My Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/hanoruu

My real life friends (please check them out! they're amazing ///A/// - not in order): :iconfalmelove::iconhotaru160899: :iconpatotkaca: :iconyuzunechii:
:icontramonca: :iconm0emo3: :iconbl4ckc4t13: :iconkinnohasu: :iconleenahill:
Astrology Series - Aries by feiyan

my amazing DA friends;w; (not in order:3)

superextremelyamazing artists OAO (not in order)
:iconsonnyaws::iconemperpep::iconpcmaniac88::iconeclaratis::iconneetaro::iconnamie-kun::iconluluseason::iconxephonia::iconxephyr26::iconmysticswordsman21::iconvillyane::iconannria2002::iconppshex::iconcloverworkshop::iconsakuragx4nina::iconritheria::iconnamiiu: and too much other deviant artists;w;

I'm 15 Years Old STAMP by FJLink SHINee Stamp 01 by NileyJoyrus14 stamp miho shinee by Partusan
Catholic Stamp by iLoveMyMom Stamp-I'd Rather Be Hated by Jazzy-C-Oaks Piano Stamp by JackdawStamps

feel free to talk to me, any spams like "hello" or "how are you" will be replied kindly O w O)v

sorry for my bad English, I'm not a good student in English class:iconlazycryplz:

Tools of the Trade
Genius Easypen i405x and Paint Tool SAI
AAAHHH SORRY FOR BEING VERY UNACTIVE LATELY,, ; v ; I was really busy with the school work ; w ; //kenapawaktuituakupilihjurusanMIA,,, _(:3_/\)I'm also joined a club at my school, so I often get tired and feels lazy to even log in dA ; v ; but I hope now I can get more active~ I miss all of youuu ; w ; my lovely watchers who still remember me :""""""""""""""""D and for those who I still have to draw for them, I'm sorry for the very long delay, I'll work hard to make it as quick as I can ; w ; by the way, I'm sorry that I can't fulfill my promise about my manga (even that I don't think any of you remembers) I promised that I would make it a...
anonymous's avatar
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Tagged by :iconarisalime99: THANK YOU VANNY FOR TAGGING OMGOMGOMG TERNYATA ELI MASIH ADA YG NOTICE ; v ; //shot----- Natural Hair Color [x] Black - $100 - super black hair _(:3_/)[] Blonde - $50[] Red - $75[ ] Brown - $15[] Other - $10Total So Far: $100 Eye Color [] Blue - $50[] Hazel - $100[x] Brown - $15[] Green - $200[] Other - $10 Total So Far: $115 Height [] Over 7' - $200[] 6'8" to 7' - $175[] 6'0" to 6'7" - $150[] 5'5" to 5'11" - $75[x] 4'9" to 5'4" - $50 - okay actually I hate this kind of question so much ;;;[] Under 4'9 - $105Total so far: $165 Birth Order [] Twins (or more)[x] First Born - $300 - PANGGIL AKU ONNE //shot[] Only C...
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0 min read
Please help my friend!!! buy a commission from her if you have money/points!!!! or if not, please help spread her journal!!!her journal:  http://39iro.deviantart.com/journal/Emergency-commisions-PayPal-points-if-needed-465781924please help her, she already like my little sister and she's really nice in personality!! she also draw really well with MOUSE!!!! I bet you won't regret helping her!!!
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Profile Comments 1.3K

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TheH1ddenOne's avatar
Hello! I dunno if you're still active, but I love your work!

It's been a long time since we've talked, so I doubt you'd remember my old account  : P
LeenaHill's avatar
Hbd ci egaa!!!
Hanoru's avatar
thank you Levinaa~~!! >v<
LeenaHill's avatar
LeenaHill's avatar
YOU'VE BEEN HUGGED!:hug:2 rvmp :doublehug: revamp 
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)

Adorable Girl Anime Emoji (Huggy heart) [V6] Love And Hugs Adorable Girl Anime Emoji (Huggy heart) [V6]


1- You can hug the person who hugged you!

2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!

3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!

4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)

5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!

Send This To All Your Friends, And Me If I Am.

If You Get 1 Back You Are Loved!
Habonde's avatar
I wanted to drop by & say I love your UTAU! ;v;
I also really like your art. ^u^
*clicks the watch button*
PrinceCalil's avatar