Icon by

My younger sister
Name: Elisabeth M.
Nickname: Eli/hanoru/
Age: 15 y.o
Birthdate: 19th April
Country, City: Indonesia, Jakarta
Grade: 10th grade
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Like: * MONEY
* I love my active watchers!!! > v
* my favorite color is blue, and I like red as well :3
Dislike: * insects
* fire //I never want to go near fire//
* creepy and scary things ;;;; //but I like to draw creepy things sometimes//
* fake friends and people
I draw digital and traditional, but mostly uploads digital > v O
I can speak Indonesian well, but not so well in English ; v ;
feel free to be my friend~ I won't mind if you're bad or good, as long as you're nice with me, I'll be nice with you :3
ah but if you want me to teach you about something, it's hard to make me agree since I've teach some people and most of them were really ungrateful :'3 so I'll only teach you when I know you well or if you pay me fair enough xD //shot //sorry if it sounds stingy but I just don't want to feel hurt anymore ; v ;//
oh yeah, just for information, I'm a bit negative thinking, and my mood gets bad easily,, ; v ;
Hana's VB: will be updated later
My Instagram: instagram.com/hanoruu
My Tumblr: hanoruu.tumblr.com/
My Twitter: twitter.com/hanoru_
My Pixiv: pixiv.me/hanoruu
My Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/HanaMizuiro
My Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/hanoruuMy real life friends (please check them out! they're amazing ///A/// - not in order):

my amazing DA friends;w; (not in order:3)

superextremelyamazing artists OAO (not in order)

and too much other deviant artists;w;

feel free to talk to me, any spams like "hello" or "how are you" will be replied kindly O w O)v
sorry for my bad English, I'm not a good student in English class