[Adventure] Red Sky At MorningHannah--Bug on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hannah--bug/art/Adventure-Red-Sky-At-Morning-898099577Hannah--Bug

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[Adventure] Red Sky At Morning



Not too long after Oats sets off on his own, leaving his parents behind for his own territory, he encounters some commotion on the beach. He's surprised to find a baby aristo stranded on the bank. The little guy was far from the water, but he might have been able to waddle back in if not for the seabirds trying to make a meal out of him. Oats chases off the gulls and tries to return the young predator to his mother, but a parent is nowhere to be found... Nervous, Oats leaves the hatchling in the water where he belongs, but can't help feeling worried for its safety after he goes to higher ground. He tries to ignore the thought, but ends up giving in and returning to the beach. Sure enough, the little aristo was camped out and waiting with wide, sparkling eyes. Upon spotting his savior, he squiggled out of the water and right up to the herbivore. The tiny creature had so much to learn still and with no one to watch over him, it seemed likely that he'd frolic right back into a situation that he couldn't get out of...

I've been putting this off, lol. Oats and Patch are besties! : ) I imagine them like one of those ~impossible animal friendships~ videos you might see. Oats kept Patch alive while he was a dumb little baby and gained a loyal predator friend as a result
(This is Beach Day for Oats)

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