hangaroundtheweb's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Dumpstaz's avatar
Thank you for having accepted me in the group ! :)

I hope to exchange various opinions with other people :D

Curia-DD's avatar
Thanks for the spotlight!!! Sharing art is what dA is all about, as long as you're clear about who it belongs to :)
Libra-Heart's avatar
thank you very much for including my work in your beautiful feature :) (Smile) 
PendragonArts-GEA's avatar
Oh... seeing the notes here... don't like this.. shame but I must leave the group if you are illegally sharing art.
BGai's avatar
Even if you see it as promoting their work - It is only fair to request an artist's permission before you use their work - especially if you are taking it outside DA to your own personal website, and then not giving them the proper acknowledgment as the author of the work. You don't even have the courtesy to give them a comment when you use their work!
You may not be making money from their work on that site but you are from the advertising companies using it AND you allow 3rd parties to access the information of everyone who visits the site.
Jakeukalane's avatar
I heard about you are uploading here (hangaroundtheweb.com/2016/08/d…) certain pictures that the artists did not agree with being reupload there.

This is the image: orig07.deviantart.net/7518/f/2…

Maybe you can remove it from that page.


BTW, you are not putting correctly the credits on those images. You only put the titles and link but you didn't put "By artist" that is a thing needed in this case of features. Also, requesting permission is a must before doing this.

Hope you fix this.
doro20's avatar
Thank you very much for the feature!