I hope you enjoy my art and Majin Muchi
I don't do requests or commissions.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/hamilton4
Pixiv: www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=46...
Twitter: twitter.com/hamilton4art
Hello! Are you an anime/manga fan? Are you a fan of Super Smash Bros.?
I have a only question ... Can I use yo Majin Muchi for a TfTg Story? I'll understand id You don't want
I'm fine with that as long as the character is treated respectfully.
Thank you!! Thanks a lot!!
Love it 😍 Excellent Art Work Galleries Well Done
what's this year gonna be
I was just about to ask you if you did requests or commissions, but then I spotted that you didn't. Which is a shame really because your art is really good. Oh well, no harm done.