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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (44)
My Bio

Cosplay Account of Haldthin

HALDTHIN [hah-ld-thien],is a female elf living in the lands of the giants, currently known as The Netherlands. This elf can be found in areas near cosplay conventions. [Warning; This elf likes to cosplay]
Proud c(r)os(s)player ; Superwholockian ; Geek ; Hobbyist Artist ; dandy obsessed

Sounds like a great plan to me! Since my last journal dates way back!I've been very busy with college and I have had so little time for the cosplay related business. And I still am! College is going great though! Got myself some nice grades and I'm on a winning streak!~But, I am guessing you guys want to know about the cosplays and cons I've planned for this year. For the first time; I won't be able to attend Tsunacon. I'll be on a study trip to Palermo, so no cosplay con for me! I expect my first con to be either Elf Fantasy Fair or Animecon. Depending on the money.Do I have any new cosplay plans for this year? Well, yes I do! I'll be wea...
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..and my vacation in London as well; but this journal will be about MCM Expo! A lot has happened and I just have a lot of feelings;I went to the Expo on Friday and on Saturday. I couldn't attend on sunday because we, me and my friends/travelling companions, were leaving. On Friday I felt like attending the expo dressed up as myself; for a change! Mainly because I could take pictures with friends and 'le famous' people without being in cosplay. We got there early, because of the stuff with Matt Smith happening. I really wanted to meet him, 'cause I'm a fangirl like that-aaaaand I forgot my ticket in the hotel room. //and I thought to myself...
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Hey guys!Quick update from me; I'll be attending London MCM expo next week! Come and meet me over there! I'll be there on Friday and Saturday! And now; Which cosplay do you want to see on Saturday? No David 8 yet; so what cosplay would you like to see? Post in a comment!//and by cosplays I mean the ones I already have at my gallery baww- Cosplay update Yes! Thanks to :devborisdedutchmen: I can be Rudy from Misfits!~ uvu so Misfits cosplay on Saturday!~ /happy face/
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Shu-Maat's avatar
Happy birthday!! ^____^
Haldthin-Cosplay's avatar
Hey! Thank you so much! (I just happened to be on dA for the first time in ages, so just in time to catch your comment) :D!!!
Shu-Maat's avatar
Hahaaa, I had time for my DA account today after ages of inactivity, too, so... it was destiny XDDDD I hope you had a great day! Bye!! :blowkiss:
Kirby-Mouse's avatar
hey :D ik zie dat julie
fan zijn van sherlock en doctor who
(michien weten julie dit al hoor )
maar er is op 23november 2014 in Utrecht een
dutchlokians meetup /  www.facebook.com/groups/thedut… < hun facebook
painfulllove's avatar
O.O I'm almost in tears with your work. I love it! ... Oh my grapefruit its magnificent...
Haldthin-Cosplay's avatar
I've been away from Deviantart for almost two years and i just logged in-- Thank you so much for the lovely comment!
You have no idea how much that means to me!
YukiRoxasHatsune's avatar