My name is Ivona.
I like animals, music, anime (Digimon, Bakugan, Yu-Gi-Oh! etc.) I used to play guitar in my "past" life D: I love Milka chocholate, any flavor is fine D: I love to draw from time to time and the themes are always different I also love taking photos of the things I see on the street ^^ I'm a highschool student in a highschool I didn't wish to attend -.-
And I probably look half dead on the profile picture D: My excuse is that I didn't get enough sleep a few days before I took it ^^'
My Korean name: Shin Min Young
My Twitter profile: twitter.com/#!/V_Ivona_V Follow me!!
Current Residence: Planet Earth
Favourite genre of music: K-Pop, Opera, Soft Rock
Favourite style of art: Traditional
MP3 player of choice: iPod Nano
Favourite cartoon character: Robin, Shun, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Tarzan, Balto, Haku...
Personal Quote: Life is just a game we lost.