Name: Josh
Gender: Male
D.o.B: October 31
likes: cats, dogs, small cute things, sound of wind chimes, coffee, smooth jazz, tarot cards, crystals, Steampunk
dislike: people who shove their beliefs down my throat, cold, my foster mom, politics, people who are rude, and the color pink
ID made by Muller-Saru
Favourite genre of music: anything i can hear, anything i can dream
Favourite style of art: Darkness, Chibi, stain glass windows, and Vivi
Wallpaper of choice: anime, or dragons
Skin of choice: the one im in
Favourite cartoon character: vivi, spawn, kh characters, and it goes on.
Personal Quote: Belive in your soul, for thy soul holds the key to a true life of dreams. deep no?
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