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Hacuubii's avatar

milqilin adopts | permanent GA vol. 7 | closed



Welcome to the permanent GA batch vol. 7!
This is the second half of the GA CYOP batch!

please read the TOS carefully before entering:


this is a raffle-to-buy event! which means you can enter the raffle to win the character. entering the raffle is free, but the winner will have to pay for the design.

please enter only if you want the design for yourself! please don't enter with the intention of giving it to someone else who have entered, so everyone has a fair chance!

only enter if you have the payment before hand. You have 24 hours to pay or a new winner will be drawn. I do accept payment plans if some of the money is paid up front.

1.@llatlantiswitchll A
2. @llatlantiswitchll B
3. @bunphie A
4. @bunphie B
5. @BabyPippo A
6. @BabyPippo B

-Each design is 150 USD (200 USD if you choose the subspecies uniccilin).
-you can choose the flavor, subspecies and colors of the design.
-available subspecies are milqilin, succilin, arccilin, floraccilin, selkilin, pixilin and uniccilin.

-the design comes with a nude version and main outfit.

-you can only enter the raffle for one of the 6 designs. please reply to the comment of the design you'd like to try for.

-the raffle will end after 24 hours.

-In order to enter your user must be at least 3 months old on deviantart.
-you will send the payment directly to the guest artist.
-you have to use your own paypal to pay, no other person paying for you!
-any users suspected to be alts will be ignored!
-once purchased there's a cooldown on trading/reselling the character: until the milqilin EOS 15/8/2024. Please find more information about EOS in the milqilin server.
-no changes or edits will be made to the designs. if you want to make any small changes yourself, please ask the original designer first.

***use this form to enter:***
name on discord (if available):
to be co-owned with (if you plan on co-owning):


☆Please credit me as the creator of milqilin and the GA for designing the character.

☆Milqilin is a closed species - you can’t make one without a MYO ticket.

☆Do not resell the character for more than it’s original price. calculating extra art to the price is ok!

☆Milqilin are made for personal use only, such as collecting, role play, original character development... no commercial use!

☆milqilin can be of any gender.

for raffle events, please enter only if you want the design for yourself! please don't enter with the intention of giving it to someone else who have entered, so everyone has a fair chance!

in raffle events, only enter if you have the payment before hand. You have 24 hours to pay or a new winner will be drawn.  I do accept payment plans if some of the money is paid up front.

Image size
2807x7440px 5.48 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Hacuubii
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Hacuubii's avatar

enter here for 1.@llatlantiswitchll A