Legends of Grangea: The Spathan Accords,H-72 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/h-72/art/Legends-of-Grangea-The-Spathan-Accords-914963933H-72

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Legends of Grangea: The Spathan Accords,



Alright so a lot of influences and direct shout outs and/or parodies in their gear and weapons. The male in particular reminds me of Neebs with that mullet I gave him. The goal isn't to take things wholesale so if anything crosses over too much, I'll likely remove it later but for now this is the aesthetic we're going with.

Edit: Now 100% more nipple. Normally I resubmit ones like this, with relatively high consistent views/favs (for me) but I decided not too because I haven't done enough (in my opinion) to merit it. In the process of upgrading the twohanded warfan. Might add another weapon or two. And I updated both the aquiline models and armors, as well as adding two more. A baseline female hoplite for reference and a male I'm calling the Griffin Companion, added in honor of the passing of Thick44 from Neebs gaming. I mentioned it below but the original male reminded me of Neebs in his Doraleous and Associates appearance. Made slightly to resemble his character in Ark, in that he has a mohawk. I might go back and add the beard, all I could remember was the mohawk and didn't have internet access to look up a reference. Rest in peace man.

Update: Just a heads up, will be updating the other two aquiline/bird people clans too. Probably fix the skin color on the nix so it don't hurt my eyes anymore. Likely no weapons but maybe some, especially for the nix who are lacking, logically so tho, compared to the Ignian and Ventian clans. Mostly just making them more consistent, scaling and body wise. My humanoids are a bit off, think the light elves in particular need some updating too. Or trying too anyways. For new stuff, I don't know when. I just kind of do whatever I want whenever I want and I'm playing fallout 76 right now, so maybe expect to see some metal earthen and power armor later. If people were to ask, I could probably be persuaded to work on something in particular but I'm not really doing much, if any, of the older stuff any more. Ponies have come and gone and sort of, have been replaced by the LoG series. Ponies specifically will still show up in the fakemon when I feel up too it. Awesomenauts is officially retired, that game will always have a place in my heart but sadly it just causes me way too much anxiety to play anymore and I'm still not certain why though pvp in general has this effect on me so it's probably to do with fighting other humans in game. I might do a Gem, if I get a cool ideal for one or if I ever finish Rainbow Amber. That one is a pain to get just right and I'm still concepting it. Twilight took forever but she was finished eventually. 


The Aquiline Clans of Grangea,
-The Dracon Legions of the Storm, (Aquiline Ventus): The scholars of Western Skies.
-The Spathan Accords, (Aquiline Ignian): The Heroes and heroines of the Aerie Peaks.
-The Warbands of Kell, (Aquiline Nix): The warring clans of the Frozen North.

Aquiline Demi-humans,
-Spathan Satyrs, (Aquiline Ignis): The hardy horse-legged folk of the Aerie Peaks. 

-Spathan Harpies, (Aquiline Ignis): The cunningly ruthless bird-armed folk of the Aerie Peaks.  


The Spathan Accords, (Left to Right, Top to Bottom): Hoplite, Warhawk, Griffin Companion, Hoplite (female), Oracle, Commander (This one is a place holder, Amazons got upgraded to their own sub-faction).

Ignian Weapons, (Left to Right, Top to Bottom): Brass Bomb, Brass Spike-Bomb, Sagittarius (Quadrabow, and Bolt), Bronze/Harpy Quills (Long and Short Serrated), Shortwarbow (and Arrow. Only one tho, so make it count son!), Aries (Liquid Fire-Pump), Liquid Fire (Grenade and Vial), Capricorn (Warfan), Javelin, Spear (and Alternate Three-edge Spearhead), Ursine (Warclub), Draco Fang (Sword), Monocerus (Rapier), Taurus (Greataxe), Leo (Greatshield), Lupine Fangs (Greatdaggers), Pisces (Trident), Scorpio (Extended/Retracted, Bladed Whip/Cord), Serpentarius (Bident/Medicus Staff), Aquilus /Talons (Sphairai/Ceastus), Arachne (Chakram), Cancer (Towershield), Pegasus (Pole-Fan), Lepus (Dagger), Equus (Mallet/Wrench) and Canis (Sword)

They, like the grangeans, use bronze as their primary metal but unlike the Dracon they do not possess Stormforging, so their weapons are a lot heavier but relatively sturdy thanks to cold forging techniques. These will likely be the last group to make use of the radiant bronze color set. Alright, so some weapons might need a bit of explaining and others maybe not.

The first is the cord weapon(/s) like the Scorpio here, in between the trident poleaxe and the caduceus staff. Cord weapons are used by flying infantry and though they aren't a traditional military weapon anymore, they have been used as such in the past. The Scorpio in particular is a very fine weapon for use by heroes (it was inspired by the heatrod used by Epyon of Gundam Wing Zero). It has very fine grooves and alcoves where, when applied, a crippling poisonous concoction can collect and be delivered to enemies via nicks by the blades or stinger tip. Cord weapons can be used for a verity of purposes but the main purpose is to be used by flying infantry to damage enemies in passing charges or catch and drag them away from the main formation. Cord units serve a similar role to light cavalry or skirmishers. Storm magic users, passive or active, have an easier time controlling the flow of cord weapons due to their ability to channel the wind and air currents with their wings and body. A cord weapon essentially becomes an extension of this. The greatdaggers (a direct pull from God of War) when using the chain can function vary similarly to cord weapons, gaining new attacks and utility when used by storm magic channelers who can direct the flow of the blades in mid-air. 

The second weapon that might need an explanation is the bronze quills (I'm sure there are other sources but I was channeling terraria's Harpies when making them). Quills are another flying infantry type weapon used in a similar manner to throwing darts or knives/daggers, they are often interlaced or woven into the wings with little clips so they can be detached with the beat of the wings. They aren't overly popular with most heavy infantrymen but weaker flyers and heroes will often make use of them in a first volley attack or as secret back up as the only indication of them might be a faint golden glint for the very perceptive. More traditional throwing quills are made from actual barbed quills collected from porcupine like animals, they are sharp and barbed so they can cause some major annoyance as well as a little damage with a lucky strike. The Bronze quill is cold forged, light but razor sharp. With a good strike they can cause lethal damage to all but the most heavily of armored soldiers. The smaller serrated bronze quill, sometimes called a harpy quill, is used to cause bleeding by lodging themselves in armor gaps and clothing rendering them harder to remove without causing more damage. Needless to say but harpy quills and quill weapons in general, tend to be more popular with aquiline suffering from the medical condition known as harpisim which renders the arms and wings to fused. Additionally, the bronze quills can double as a dagger type weapon but with no hilt, one needs to be careful when using it.

The last weapons are the fans (Primary inspiration is Dynasty Warriors and that bastard Zhuge Liang as well as TABS). Primarily a weapon for casters like the Ignian Oracles, the Dracon Augurs or the Nixxian Seers. Fans are used primarily to channel Storm Magic and the wind element, acting much like an extension of the wings or at least allowing the wielder’s hands to aid in casting. One of the abilities a fan is capable of preforming, that most other weapons can’t, is the galebolt or squall. It’s a ranged attack that is essentially made up of a fast traveling elemental bolt of wind and while weaker ones can do little more than knock someone over or stun them if caught off guard, stronger ones can damage wood and even seriously wound enemies or break bones. Fans can also be used to draw the very wind out of someone’s breath, literally leaving them breathless and stunning them if not choking and suffocating them with repeated use. A guarded enemy is hard to steal breath from but it can certainly turn the flow of battle in a pinch if caught unaware or distracted. Fans can also be used to channel thunder claps but so can heavy weapons like mallets and greataxes but unlike those weapons, they can also be used to direct and change the flow of the wind itself. For most, that wouldn't be too much of an advantage beyond making use of it to increase missile flight distance and aiding in flight in general but in the case of ignians of the Spathan Accords, it can be used to direct the flow of fire spread and started by their liquid fire pumps and grenades. Wildfires, powerful flood waters and damaging winds. When fighting the aquiline, especially the ignians, it's like fighting the very elements of the Storm themselves.

NEW - Griffin Companions or Sotrmriders. Often recruited from the second highest social class, the ignian griffin riders are among the most feared cavalry fighting force in all of Grangea. Griffin are however very prideful by nature, so their riders never call themselves as such. Instead often going by term "Companion" or even stormrider instead. Griffins are not overly fond of riders or heavy metal armors, so their companions are usually limited lighter materials such as leather, linen or even bone, donning partial sets of armor often lacking leg or even thigh armor in favor of a thickened leather coat. Their armor is usually studded with bolts of bronze, brass or even bone only to protect them from other griffins during takeoff. Griffins are large powerful beast, easily a match for lesser dragon on a good day so in combat, they do most of the fighting. The purpose of a rider is to hurl bolts or javelins at enemies from up high during flight, to block oncoming projectiles targeting the head of their griffin with a bronzed wooden shield or to take out enemies that present a clear danger to their griffin partner with their bows at range or a javelin strike while up close. In battle, griffin companions can quickly pick apart enemy ranks either by bombarding them from up high or by using the sharp claws of their griffins to break spears and shield walls while the companion strikes from a range atop their back, taking down weakened enemies or those who break rank.


Ignian Zodiac,

-Aries, (Ram/Sheep) (Element: Fire, Moon: Sinn)
-Taurus, (Bull) (Element: Earth, Moon: Jericho)
-Leo, (Lion/Manticore) (Element: Light, Moon: Helene)
-Aquila, (Eagle/Griffin) (Replaces Libra) (Element: Wind, Moon: Selen)
-Ursa, (Bear) (Replaces Gemini) (Element: Frost, Moon: Chango)
-Pisces, (Fish) (Element: Water, Moon: Manni)
-Lupus, (Wolf/Garm) (Replaces Aquarius) (Element: Dark, Moon: Twilioth)
-Arachne, (Spider) (Replaces Virgo) (Element: Void, Moon: None)
-Lepus, (Hare) (Element: Life/Death, Moon: Lunafall)
-Draco, (Dragon) (Element: Fire, Moon: Sinn)
-Sagittarius(/Equinarius/Equutesus?), (Horse, not a centaur in this world) (Element: Earth, Moon: Jericho)
-Monoceros, (Unicorn) (Element: Light, Moon: Helene)
-Pegasus, (Pegasi) (Element: Wind, Moon: Selen)
-Capricorn, (Goat/Hippogriff) (Element: Frost, Moon: Chango)
-Cancer, (Crab) (Element: Water, Moon: Manni)
-Serpentarius/Serpent(/Hydra?), (Snake, Lucky number 13) (Element: Dark, Moon: Twilioth)
-Scorpio, (Scorpion) (Element: Void, Moon: None)
-Canis, (Dog/Hellhound) (Element: Life/Death, Moon: Lunafall)
*This is more of an easy reference for me than you so feel free to ignore.

It should go without saying but the planet of Grangea has an entirely different set of constellations and seven moons but to pay homage to the greek zodiac we included most of them only removing Libra, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius. Technically Sagittarius was also changed but we ended up keeping the name for now. The ignian zodiac has two cycles, one for life and one for death and they changed on and off again every year.

The top half, up to Lepus, is for the northwestern hemisphere and the bottom half, down to Canis, is for the southeastern side. They can be used in a form of divination by the Ignians to indicate a great deal of things about a person and most of the things divined are usually correct but the one thing they can't do, is tell the future. That is not an ability that belongs to the stars but to fate herself and the heroes who shape her stories. This is perhaps another area in which the ignians differ to the ancient greeks we initially based them on. They do not have gods from which to rebel or offend, they do believe in fate as an undefeatable hand that guides everyone but because they do not divine the future from the stars, as far as they are concerned fate is whatever they make it. If it is meant to be then it will be, the only role that changes is the one you play.  
Fun-Fact: The stars in Grangea’s sky don’t change position from season to season, in fact; they don’t move at all. The Zodiac is instead based partly on the region and position of the moons but how exactly the ignians keep track of them is a bit of a mystery to most outsiders, especially considering some of the moons don't behave like normal moons. Grangeans use a similar system but it's based on magical leylines too. Incidentally, the non-moving stars make it insanely easy to navigate around the world at night.


Alright so the ignian people are in a bit of an odd position compared to the rest of Grangea. For starters, they're one of the older civilizations of Grangea. Their society however, has since fallen into a state of severe disrepair so to speak. Initially they inhabited the regions now known as Desertrock and Dragonfall but they've since been pushed far and away from their homelands.

After the fall of the Mourning King, his former kingdom was essentially split into the three original clans or groups of people. Our first group or clans is that of the elves (Who later become the Grangeans), the dwarves (who later become the Earthen) and the nymphs (who later become the Aquiline). The original elven clan was the Grangeans or a singular sort of proto-grangean race that would be the basis for the five to follow with the current day Grangeans or Light Elves considering themselves to have not changed much if at all since then but I'd say they probably have (in all likelihood they were probably like the Tolkien elves). The Aquiline or nymphs, whose original clan is also said to have remained mostly unchanged was later renamed the Aquiline Ignis at some point by the Dracon Empire who inherited the orginal clan's name of Ventus. Likely after their sort of reintegration with the Dracon Empire in the south and the reestablishing of ignian society. And then of course there is the Earthen, specifically probably the Metal Earthen of Deepdug or maybe the Stone Earthen of the Appalachus originally known as Titans, Metal Earthen act as our Dwarves but mixed with fallout power armor. Other types of earthen did exist but unlike the elves and nymphs, they don't typically have their own separate civilizations due to the fact that earthen races tend to be more of a fluid understanding of traits than a racial based one. Many River Earthen, Metal Earthen that chose to settle the surface, live alongside elves and in some cases adopted many their cultures and customs, only later expanding upon after many generations of integration. River earthen exist because surface dwelling metal earthen have lost their anti-magical properties, Stone Earthen exist because some River Earthen have adapted to the magical world they live in better than others or alternatively because of interbreeding with the elven clans. Wood Earthen are mushrooms. Their existence is more ill-defined than the other three and until recently, they were something of a myth. They exist because earthen adapted a little too well to the magic.

Regardless of all that, back to the main subject. The ignian people refused to join the grangean empire willingly and harbored a great hatred for anything follower related. Some suspect they chose to abandoned their original settlements in Dragonfall to settle in the Aerie Peaks to be closer to the Dark Elves, the Follower's default recruitment grounds. This is in fact mostly untrue, as dark elves have no more inclination to join the followers than any other clan. The real reason they chose to settle in those lands, known as then as the Western Skies, was due to the poor soil of Dragonfall and Desertrock being virtually unable to support crops at the time. Further south was more fertile lands but that's where the Terracoltans lived, mostly a river earthen and grangean heavy settlement, they were not a force to be trifled with. After settling the Western Skies an, as of now, unknown kingdom was founded and pushed the bulk of their armies out their lands in the south forcing them northwards before wiping out most of their settlements in the south, including the few strongholds they still held in Dragonfall.

As for the mysterious kingdom, the Dracon Empire were the last ones to deal with them but oddly enough, most of the records are gone, missing or destroyed. Possibly magic related as the Last Dracon Emperor claimed that said Kingdom disappeared much like Verdance centuries before it. Who or what existed there remains a mystery to most of Grangea though it is currently suspected the previously unknown kingdom of ogres was founded there and that their remnants would go on to supply much of the Dracon Empire's early slave armies and workforce. The only question then would be; if they were ogres, where did they come before that? We may never know.
*Ogre is a type of Stone earthen who is more magically inclined. Anyone can actually use magic if their power is awakened but most don't know this so things like Ogre serve as little more than a racial slur for Stone Giants, most of whom would probably have something worse to say about those using said word. 

Either way, as the elder civilization to possibly all aquiline cultures they are well respected and fear by most of Grangea proper. In turn, they respect only the Grangeans as equals and see the other two aquiline cultures as their "little" siblings and rivals. Meaning they will just as happily face them down in battle as they will join them to fight other threats. In general, they hold only disdain for most earthen cultures, deeming them generally unworthy foes with a few exceptions. Midland is not one of these exceptions. Reinford their ruler however, is. Of the elves, only the Jotunn and Ognemuze are respected as "worthy" rivals. Dark Elves, Goblins and Orks are generally viewed with a very similar disdain to other earthen clans but are generally accepted as tough adversaries. In turn, most other clans of Earthen and Grangean tend to view the ignians with a similar disdain, even those they consider worthy rivals, seeing them as little more than backwater barbaric savages of the windy peaks. Only the Dracon seem to hold them in any high regard but less as an authority figure and more as a symbolic one, of what pure physical prowess and mental fortitude should aspire too but also they serve as a warning to the Dracon people, of the dangers pride and glory can lead too as well. Grangeans barely interact with the ignians these days so you'd be forgiven for assuming they'd practically forgotten them. This is mostly thanks to the kingdom of Midland acting as a buffer state between the two, preventing much, if any, interaction at all. At one point they were fierce and friendly rivals for dominance over the heartlands but the ignians have since come to view the grangean empire and by extension the Grangeans and their Kingdoms as a puppet-states controlled by the Followers and their ilk. This is due to the Elements of Conquest, yes they're still cannon for the time being, and the Follower known as Eveningmoon becoming increasingly prominent in their day to day politics. This is something the ignians cannot and will not forgive under any circumstance, Finally, the Mongrels find them to be lean and too chewy to be good eating but they otherwise they make a fantastic stew if thoroughly plucked and slow boiled over an open flame. Their armor in particular is also consider fine loot by mongrel standards, especially the gilded suits.

As whole, they tend to have an older view of heroism and heroics. Without suffering and tragedy, can you even call yourself a real hero? Also, despite most of Grangea viewing them as simple meat heads, they are firm believers in exercising both the mind and body. In fact, all political discussions and most troops are recruited from gymnasiums, sort of pseudo half-coliseum half-forums where men and women of all ages go to bathe, discuss politics and get swol while doing so. Never skip brain or leg day! This gym culture also encourages a strong sense of community among the ignian and those who opt out are generally frowned upon. This is a miscellaneous fact but I'll throw it in too; ignians but mostly aquiline in general, are very fond of leg warmers. The best leg warmers are made of fine quality gossemer and even help with landing when flying.
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