Via MalaGwilymG on DeviantArt

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GwilymG's avatar

Via Mala



My rendition of the spectacular landscape of the Viamala near Thüsis in the Graubünden, Switzerland
The viamala was a very dangerous but strategic passage in the Swiss alps (it was the shortest way for merchants from Northern Europe who wanted to reach Italy). 
The path was carved in the rock and there used to be perilous wooden bridges to cross the gorge. At the bottom, you can see the waters of the Rhine.
Nowadays the bridges are safer but it is still very impressive !

Painters like William Turner have been inspired by this unique place.

Ink and nib. 15.3 x 4.7cm
Image size
295x700px 73.04 KB
© 2014 - 2025 GwilymG
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raphaelbragiato's avatar
Your ink drawings are awesome!