What is Project:Yume?Gwenathan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gwenathan/art/What-is-Project-Yume-574308135Gwenathan

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What is Project:Yume?



So you've seen my many characters,heard me talk about them and generally watched me and an MMDer grow around them. And while i've referenced it a little, what exactly is Project:Yume - the story all these characters are set in? For some reason I've never explained, and now i feel is a good time to do so. 

                                                                                  :snowflake:So What is Project:Yume?:snowflake:
Long ago there was not one world, but two. Earth, where all the humans resided and a mysterious other world called the Illusion world, where magic and what we now consider fantasy ran rampent. These world were once connected, allowing humans,demons and other species to travel freely between. It was a rather peaceful time, but disorder was still a factor in the lives of many. The gods noticed this, and thus gave rise toa line of magical moderators, who's job was to protect all the people and creatures of both worlds from evil. These chosen few were known as the Gaurdians. The gaurdians protected both worlds for many years, that is, until the evil began to rise. An anceint god, banished for his crimes rose to power, threatning to steal the most powerful object in the universe- the Atlantian stone. The stone was stored on earth, where it was far more vulnarable. It took all of the gaurdians and most of the gods to stop this evil, resulting in massive destruction regardless. To protect the stone from the evil that threatneed one day to return the two worlds we're severed, leaving earth and the Illusion world completely seperated. The gaurdians and all their magic was taken to the illusion world, leaving humans and animals as we know them behind on earth.

The two worlds devolped seperately from then on out, with earth evoliving into what we know it today. The Illusion world also thrived, with the gaurdians continueing to protect their subjects from demons and evil. The Illusion world was soon all but forgotten on earth, because of it's method of access. The illusion world has another name on earth- The Dream world. This is beacuse the Illusion world can only be accessed by the subchoncious soul of a person, that part that is able to be released during dreams. The illusion world can then be accessed, although how much you can feel and sense is dependernt on your seoul. Some still have the blood of the ancients in them, and dream more vividly then ohers. Some however cannot visit the world at all, or cannot remember. Whcih is why the phrase "A world all visit, but no one remembers" is so commonly associated with it. Earth continues on, un knowing of the trouble brewing in the Illusion world just a short ways away.

The gods knew that the evil would return, however when it returned much sooner then expected mass havoc spread across the land. The god gave a faction of the ilusion world, simply known as "The North" the power of advanced technology, allowing them to all but whipe out the rest of the resistence to theur tyranny. They then began what is now known as "The Age of Fire." The north swept through the land, killing anyone who could possibly become a gaurdain. From talented young magic users to infants with magic parents. And much to the dismay of the people, it worked. No gaurdians were born, leaving them to do as they please.

Fast forwards 700 years later, when the North has all but conquered most of the land. There is a saying that nature always has it's way, and this case is no different. Young gaurdians have been born. not nessicarily in the most convenent placees, but they are there. It is up to this newest generation to protect their land from evil, as well as break the tyranical grip the north has on most of the world. Together this rag tag group of young gaurdians must protect their land, as well as explore it in order to discover the true power they possess and forever rid the world of dreams from this nightmare.

This is a short list of the main characters in this epic tale, their full profiles are avalible for viewing when you click on them ( Please note that these are currently being reworked, so information may change!)

:star: Mimi :bulletgreen: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletgreen:
:star: Louis :bulletblue: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletblue: 
:star: Whitney :bulletpurple: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletpurple:
:star: Zayden :bulletred: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/Z… :bulletred:
:star: Ohlle :bulletorange: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletorange:
:star: Juilet :bulletpink: (coming soon!) :bulletpink:
:star: Aki :bulletblack: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletblack:
:star: Emery :bulletwhite: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletwhite:
:star: Jaylon :bulletyellow: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/C… :bulletyellow: 
:star: Rygel :bulletorange: (coming soon!) :bulletorange:

                                                                                        :snowflake:Species and information:snowflake:
Detailed descriptions of magical powers, species and all kinds of things about this world can be found in these pages ( More will be added as I continue to write them! I have tons of ideas OTL)

:star: Androids :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/S… :snowflake:
:star: Eridi Yarium :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/S… :snowflake:
:star: Humans :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/S… :snowflake: 
:star: Demons :snowflake: (coming soon!) :snowflake:
:star: Dragons :snowflake: (soming soon!) :snowflake:
:star: Data Crusers :snowflake: (coming soon!) :snowflake:

:star: Gaurdians :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/G… :snowflake:
:star: Exterminator core :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/G… :snowflake
:star: The Spirits of the Lost Age :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/G… :snowflake: 
:star: The North :snowflake: Coming soon! :snowflake: 

A bunch of other stuff that's pretty importent

:star: Magic types and abilities :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/M… :snowflake:
:star: World Map :snowflake: gwenathan.deviantart.com/art/I… :snowflake:
:star: Gaurdian items and Fairy Metal
:star: Weapons 

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