2018 Pop Raver RingGwenathan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gwenathan/art/2018-Pop-Raver-Ring-758133929Gwenathan

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Gwenathan's avatar

2018 Pop Raver Ring



EDIT 2: I believe this is a version difference thing. These models work the best in MMD versions 8.03 and 739. 934 seems to give me a while host of issues ( 739 is the most stable version of mmd in my opnion)
EDIT: I don't know if its just my MMD since this seems to happen a lot with the new version, but if they load without textures just try to load them again. I've never had such bad issues with this myself and am working on a technical fix.

"I don't have any models planned for dl"

Bold face lie I have a few.

I DID say I was gonna update these, and I figured  would start with Ring since I've always made a lot of models of her and because she was the first one I thought of originally.

:bulletpurple: 2018 update includes...
-New textures for hair and some of the clothes!
-Better and updated hair physics ( goodbye old blocky hair)
-New eye textures, no longer the default TDA ones
-continued support for the regular AND galaxy versions
-better colors that are more "Ring" and less "Miku"
-For old times sake I also included the older version if for whatever reason you liked that one better

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Have fun everyone!

:bulletpurple: Link over under fav!
© 2018 - 2025 Gwenathan
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