WharfmanglerGuttergoo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/guttergoo/art/Wharfmangler-210994725Guttergoo

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Edit: I keep making tweaks to this thing here and there. Tweaks that most likely no one will notice, but trust me, they're there.

Woohoohoo I am so surprised at and proud of how well this turned out. It started out as an attempt to practice the painting technique :icontasteslikeanya: put up a tutorial for, and then exploded into this..this THING. 8D It was originally s'posed to be Blake's Gyarados, Shredder, but now it sorta just looks like some random Gyarados out in the ocean somewhere. :I But it's -supposed- to be Blake's Gyarados, hence the half-missing whisker. Still need some practice with underwater scenes and whatnot, buuuut it's a start!

Pencil sketch painted over in Photoshop CS3
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo/Gamefreak/other people who aren't me,
Image size
923x1007px 1.18 MB
© 2011 - 2025 Guttergoo
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Sabtastic's avatar
lol his name makes my day. I -WISH- it would actually fit in Pokemon games, though. I'd totally use it.