Map of North America in 1960GustafMaps on DeviantArt

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Map of North America in 1960

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Location  North America


Other maps from Roseworld
South America

What is this?

Roseworld is a timeline I have made which builds on another timeline called Kaiserreich. Kaiserreich is about what if the central powers won the First World War 2. This leads to two blocks, France and Britain - which are Syndicalist and Germany, which is still a monarchy. Eventually France and Britain fight with Germany and this timeline (Roseworld) is about what if France and Britain won that war.


The American Civil War has come to an end. The Union of Socialist American States (USAS) in the East and the Pacific State of America (PSA) initially agreed on a ceasefire along the 105 meridian but fighting later led to a standstill and border at the Rocky Mountains.

The USAS is the only major Syndicalist power in the American Continent and is surrounded by Mexico, The PSA, Canada, and New England - all of which are Democracies or Constitutional Monarchies. Its favourable position in the Rust Belt of Northeastern America led it to win the civil war, but its neighbours have also led to its expansion being very limited and forced its cooperation with the Third Internationale.

Both the PSA, Canada, New England, Mexico, and other South American democracies are in a political alliance referred to as the American Military Organization (AMO.) Which has a stated goal of “Containing Syndicalism and spreading Democracy.” It works in close cooperation with the Moscow Accords in what is increasingly being called a ‘Cold War.’

There is a tense situation in America between Democracies and Leftist regimes, Its isolation and division is often compared to that of Europe. The Democratic nations of America forms a belt of alliances which cooperate, work together and try to limit any syndicalist influence outside the Syndicalist countries.

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator

Tutorial for Qgis

Image size
6826x8406px 17.59 MB
© 2020 - 2025 GustafMaps
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So the South ended up as commies?  Someone is doing good drugs.