Closed-Royal set-XynthiiGuppie-Vibes on DeviantArt

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Closed-Royal set-Xynthii



:iconthe-xynthii-world: are a closed species owned by ObsceneBarbie and these Xynthii adopts were made with her permission.
x NO: Claim design as your own, sending payment back, make profit from my work and not accepting Points / trades.
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 "Trait swap" info: XyNunuke Trait Swap VOL3-CLOSED by Guppie-Vibes  My last Xyn and adopt set in general using trait swap traits.

PRICE: 33 USD/Character -Fix price,1st come-1st serve!PayPal bullet accepted only. 

1.Dragon,Taken by::icondestroyedchildhood:

Yellow Arrow (L)Limited time-Than gone: Trait swap (with Nunuke CS):Crystal hair material/Unattached eye
Dot Bullet (Turquoise) - F2U!Legendary: Tail
Bullet; PinkVery rare: Wings/Mixed teeth/Split tongues
Bullet; PurpleRare: Human skin tone/Shoulder spikes    
Bullet; BlueUncommon: Colored sclera /Tongue lenghts

2.Cloud bun,Taken by

Yellow Arrow (L)Limited time-Than gone: Trait swap (with Nunuke CS):Crystal hair material/Unattached eye
Bullet; Red Dot Bullet (Turquoise) - F2U!Admin only/Legendary: Functional wings 
Dot Bullet (Turquoise) - F2U!Legendary: Objects around the halo/Goop eye
Bullet; PinkVery rare: Mixed teeth material/Tongue lenghts/2 halo (legs)
Bullet; PurpleRare: Human skin tone/Chest spikes/Knuckle spikes/1 halo (head)    
Bullet; BlueUncommon: Forked tongue tips/Cuff ankle spikes

3.Water lilies
,Taken by::iconhisironicprincess: 

Yellow Arrow (L)Limited time-Than gone: Trait swap (with Nunuke CS):Crystal hair material/Unattached eye
Dot Bullet (Turquoise) - F2U!Legendary: Gem encrusts/Objects around the halo/
Bullet; PinkVery rare: 3+ horns/2 leg halos /Wings
Bullet; PurpleRare: White sclera / Colored teeth-spike-horn material/ 2 iris color (purple,blue)/1 halo (head)    
Bullet; BlueUncommon: Forearm spikes

4.Cyclamen,Taken by

Yellow Arrow (L)Limited time-Than gone: Trait swap (with Nunuke CS):Crystal hair material/Unattached eye
Dot Bullet (Turquoise) - F2U!Legendary: Gem encrusts/ Goop eye/ 3+ halo(arm)
Bullet; PinkVery rare: Mixed teeth material/3 + horns/Collar bone spikes/Tongue lenghts
Bullet; PurpleRare: Vertical eye/Goop tongues    
Bullet; BlueUncommon: Downward ears/Cuff wrist spikes//Front calf spikes
Image size
1237x1754px 3.11 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Guppie-Vibes
Snowlyn's avatar

Forgot to ask we could change Xynthiis to be male to female right?

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