Carnival MysteryBox-CLOSEDGuppie-Vibes on DeviantArt

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Guppie-Vibes's avatar

Carnival MysteryBox-CLOSED



EDIT: The sales are CLOSED!

:iconNunukes / Toyhouse Icon ultramini Nunuke TH WORLD/For Discord server note me for join link! / Nunukes are closed species which belongs to me. The models on the advert poster this time as voted on the server are my OCs, Toyhouse Icon ultramini the Baker Brothers. Jay,Dylan and Riley Baker.

Slot amount not limited/ person. PayPal bullet accepted only, the PayPal fee already calculated in the mentioned price.
Green tick 3 Payment must be sent in 24 hours after I reacted to your claiming.
Green tick 3 In case someone else send the payment please tag me who will pay for your order. In case you are buying a MYO to someone else tag please the person you purchase the MYO slots for.

Sales offer will be closed: 2021 February 17 -when Carnival season officially ends- (Midnight-Hungarian time zone) 

Rollin' Stars Rollin' Stars  

Arrow Right Pink Sub-Species guides Arrow Right Pink Inactive trait charts Arrow Right Pink Nunuke MYO track document

Stars TIER 1: 12 USD/ MYO slot which contains:

pink tick Unlimited trait amount of choice (active traits) 
pink tickYou can pick 1 inactive trait of choice OR 1 sub species of choice. When claiming automatically let me know which one you have chose please. 

Stars TIER 2: 17 USD/ MYO slot which contains:

pink tick Unlimited trait amount of choice (active traits) 
pink tickI pick for you 1 sub-Nunuke species for you from the following: Talker,Riser or Unriser,Forecaster,Finder,Talker-Riser hybrid,Soother. 
pink tickYOU pick 1 "Inactive/Limited time" for yourself AND I am picking for You 1 "Inactive/Limited time" trait. 
Rollin' Stars Rollin' Stars 

Keep in mind:
xDoll makers, MMD,traced anime bases etc. not allowed. Bases are okay if F2U or P2U (and you paid the rights to use the base ) & crediting basemaker.
tick Make sure to use the trait guides while designing please. 
tick When done with designing submit to your (do not post to public). MYO approvals can happen only through the :iconnunukes: group OR The Nunuke TH World's approval section OR on the Discord server at the correct channel.
Image size
2000x1800px 2.21 MB
© 2021 - 2025 Guppie-Vibes
DestroyedChildhood's avatar

May I please grab a tier 2 slot?

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