CLOSED-Rainbow Bunny souls-NunukeGuppie-Vibes on DeviantArt

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CLOSED-Rainbow Bunny souls-Nunuke



:iconnunukes: are a closed species which belongs to me. Trait charts:  NEWTRAIT-Nunuke Cookbook-Permanent trait guide by Guppie-Vibes  CLOSED-2019SPRING Nunuke LimitedTimeTraits by Guppie-Vibes
x NO: Claim design as your own, sending payment back, make profit from my work and not accepting Points / trades.
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 f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar   f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar   f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar  
I wanted to do more inspired by #4:  CLOSED-LookBack-Nunuke by Guppie-Vibes Like can't be just a mint based one but why not a whole squad? I hope you all like the set ~

 f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar   f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar   f2u tiny cloud Bunny Emoji-68 (Bouncy) [V4]  Rainbow jar  

1.Purple bunny souls,  Bullet; RedTaken by ::iconguro-senpaii:
2.Pink bunny souls, Bullet; RedTaken by ::iconbigbyshand:
3.Blue bunny souls, 
Bullet; RedTaken by ::icongypsy-izzy:
4.Yellow bunny souls, 
 Bullet; RedTaken by ::iconcrimsoncommande:

I used the exact same traits for all of the adopts:

Bullet Orange Bullet PinkLimited time-than forever gone: Animal spirit hair material
Bullet PinkLong ears
Bullet PinkMixed pearl colors
Bullet PinkMixed pearl shapes
Bullet PinkBigger pearl sizes
Bullet PinkExtra eye (3)
Bullet PinkMixed eye colors
Bullet PinkDifferent horn-eye amount
Bullet PinkMagnetic area (head-neck)
Bullet PinkMagnetic area (arms)
Bullet PinkMagnetic area (legs)   
Bullet PinkMissing tail goop        

Total: 11 trait amount
Image size
1240x1742px 2.67 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Guppie-Vibes
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Gypsy-Izzy's avatar
may i purchase number 3