Favourite Movies
star wars series, riddick series, jurassic park series, lock stock and two smoking barrels, alien series, snatch, godfather series, saving private ryan
Favourite TV Shows
supernatural, walking dead, black sails, seinfeld, battlestar galactica, strain, star trek next generation, mr. bean, band of brothers, spartacus, game of thrones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
progressive metal, melodic death metal, classic rock, heavy metal, hard rock, psychedelic rock, baroque, medieval, neoclassical
Favourite Books
forgotten realms, dune, star wars, game of thrones
Favourite Games
rpg, frp, hack and slah, rts, fps, rogue-like
Favourite Gaming Platform
windows pc
Other Interests
bdsm, cats, snooker, nibiru, ancient aliens, natural big boobs, fetish