A lazy lifeguardgumberjune on DeviantArt

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A lazy lifeguard



It happened quite some time ago.

At the time, it was all over the news. "Lab accident leaves subject the size of a bean," or "Research in reduction tech successful!" were such headlines back in the day. You'd been to many labs and press-conferences since then, but after about a half year of unsuccessful tests in replicating or reversing what had happened to you; the world moved on. The novelty of a shrunken person had waned, replaced with new trends such as the latest celeb scandal or something equally interesting.

Today, you made your way to the pool. Everyone knew about your situation here at this point, so you could just get inside without too much trouble. You did ask for a friend to help get you into the pool though, otherwise you'd spend most of your time there dodging footfalls and trekking to the water.

You sat on your trusty raft, a rubber duck bathtoy that was now your private yacht. As your friend placed you into the water, you could faintly hear her say something about going somewhere- but you weren't paying attention.

Lazily, you rocked along the water. The waves were created by the collosal bodies of the giants and giantesses that you were all too used to at this point. Most people knew not to get too close by now, after several accidental sinkings.

But accidents do happen.

One moment, you were dreamily staring at the ceiling- the next, a tremendous open palm was instantaneously overhead. You only had a brief moment to leap off of your rubber duck before the palm crashed down on your duck with overwhelming force, capsizing it briefly before it was lifted into the sky by a godlike fist.

"Look mom! Someone left a toy here!" you could briefly hear, as your body plunged into the depths.

Only when you were able to float to the top did you see the "little" girl who had unknowingly shipjacked you. As she walked away, the waves she created swept you further and further from the edge of the pool. Frantically, you looked around. Sure, you knew how to swim- but at this size, you'd have to swim for hours in one direction just to get out.

And that was only if nothing else happened.

As of right now, nobody had seen what had happen to you. You began to panic as you drifted closer to where everybody else was; hands and feet that could easily pulverize you splashed around the waters dangerously.

You saw your friend return at some point, but of course- she had no idea where you had gone. Fortunately, she had the foresight to explain the situation to a nearby lifeguard, a tired looking blonde in her early 20s. After what felt like forever, you somehow made it pretty close to the pool's edge. At around the same time, the mostly unhelpful lifeguard also spotted you. Even from the water, you could feel the bare slaps of her footfalls as they approached you. At your wits end and exhausted, you let out a sigh of relief. But instead of reaching out and grabbing you out of the water, she instead stretched out her foot above the water.

"There you are. Here, just hold on," she muttered, clearly exasperated.

You were flabbergasted as the gigantic big painted toe filled your entire field of vision. Yet, you knew you were too tired to make it out of the water yourself. Humiliated, you hugged the big toe as she lifted it back to solid ground with ease. You slipped off and landed on your butt between her two enormous feet, but you were too exhausted to care.

"Maybe you should stick to the bathtub at home," she sighed. "Or maybe a bowl of water," she added unnecessarily. Then, your lazy savior walked away, her footfalls echoing against the wet tile.

Created using AI tools

Prompt:Extreme close up, giantess feet, trampling, shrinking, size difference, unaware, toes, shrinking fetish, low angle pov, shrink, shrunken, showers

anonymous's avatar
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LeftyThrockmorton's avatar

How are you doing this with an A.I. program? And with what prompt?

Great work, and welcome to DA.