Deviation Actions
A continuation of the Sleepover saga...
As Siobahn's fingers closed around the quarter, you braces yourself as her gigantic thumb hurdled towards you. You could do nothing as you were compressed into the pillowy flesh of the girl's finger. You realized in horror that the slight perspiration of her thumb left you plastered to Siobahn. As luck would have it, you were trapped between the ridges of her thumbprint, small enough to fit between to avoid being completely pulverized. However, as you tried to wiggle loose, you realized that you were stuck. The combination of Siobahn's sweat and your unfortunate size had left you just large enough to be unable to move any of your limbs, trapping you on your friend's finger for the forseeable future.
You watched the coin you were standing on get tossed into the abyss of her sweatpants' pocket, clinging on to dear life as your giantess friend began to move. There was little to prepare you for the overwhelming force that pushed you into her thumb as she walked down the hallway towards the stairs. It couldn't even compare to the fastest roller-coaster you had been on, which at least had the safety of a seat belt installed.
You now realized that you were somewhere near the tip of her finger, as you gazed upwards at the underside of Siobahn's thumbnail that acted like a roof over your head. Further past your keratin cover, were her other fingers. Nearly all of which dwarfed the one you were currently attached to, all attached to the soft pink landscape of the girl's palm. The risk of being catapulted somewhere by the simple swinging motion of Siobahn's arm would have been comical, were it not so terrifying. While you were on the ground, you at least had some agency. Now, all you could do was watch as your friend carried around her unwilling passenger. Before you knew it, the both of you had started making it down the stairs.
"Oh! Good morning, Siobahn."
You heard a chipper voice boom from up ahead. While you couldn't quite see her from your current position, you recognized Anna's quiet tone immediately.
"Mghm. G'mornin," Siobahn grumbled sleepily.
"Wow, you're up pretty early! I was about to get everyone downstairs for breakfast," Anna smiled modestly.
"I don't know how you've got the energy to cook for all of us this early in the morning. ESPECIALLY after last night."
You screamed as you were carried right up to to the giant humid mouth of Siobahn as she stifled a yawn. Teeth the size of three story houses guarded the terrifying pink leviathan that curled upwards to almost meet you. In terror, you felt yourself almost come loose before her tongue retreated back into its slimy lair.
"Oh, it's not a big deal. Alice seemed to be in a big huff about something earlier, so I offered to make something for her."
Briefly, you were able to see Anna from your miniscule perspective. Unlike Siobahn, Anna didn't look remotely tired as you saw her smile sheepishly. Unconsciously, she always took on a "big sister" role within your group of friends. Ever the responsible one, you could see that she had put on an apron for her breakfast preparations. For a second, you were very disappointed that you wouldn't be a part of one of Anna's famed meals, before remembering that you had more pressing matters to deal with.
"Oh, hey. Look at this, Anna."
You plunged into Siobahn's pocket, once again reuniting with your favourite coin. This time, the impact dislodged you somewhat from the crevice. As Siobahn removed her hand from her pocket, you realized that your arms and legs were now free.
"I found some money on the ground!"
"Is it yours? Go on, take a look! I found it in the upstairs hallway."
Now was as good a time as any to get
somebody's attention.
Anna's face approached you and the money, like a planet in low orbit. You leapt off the large silver platform of the coin, bouncing off the flesh of Siobahn's palm as the shadow of Anna's face overtook you.
"Um... No, I don't think so... Don't you think you should ask Rebecca? This is her house, after all."
Once again, despite your jumping and shouting- a mite as small as yourself could not be spotted, even when Anna was practically staring right at you.
"It's okay, Siobahn. It's early. You should go eat some breakfast while it's still hot!" Anna said quickly, changing the subject. "I'll see if anyone else wants to eat."
"Sure," Siobahn shrugged. "I mean, if you're going back up... Can you just go and ask Rebecca?"
"Oh," Anna paused, but recovered quickly. "Yeah, I can ask!"
One of these days, you were going to teach Anna that it is okay to say "no" to people. Although, that would have to wait until after you made it through this ordeal.
Your world flipped upside down, as Siobahn passed the spare change over to Anna's hand. However, you weren't so lucky to be handed over to your other friend without incident. Instead, like a grain of sand, you slipped between her tremendous fingers and hurdled towards the stairs in freefall.
Screaming, you plummetted towards the ground, unable to find anything soft to land on as the giantesses went their separate ways. The last thing you saw were Anna's huge feet moving past you, as she ascended up those huge stairs effortlessly.
And then, you hit the ground.
And everything went black.
Prompt:Extreme close up, young giantess feet, trampling, shrinking, size difference, unaware, shrinking fetish, low angle pov, shrink, shrunken, sister, macro, multi size, stomped, soles, stairs in house, descending stairs