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Deviation Spotlight

  • Malaysia
  • Deviant for 21 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio

Current Residence: in your pantsu
Favourite genre of music: Classical, Jrock,Jpop...many others
Operating System: MAC OS X V10.4.9
Favourite cartoon character: Tenjou Utena
Personal Quote: "dungu dungu dungu"

Favourite Visual Artist
Chiho Saito,Kaori Yuki,Tetsuya Nomura,Minura Kazuya,Kubo Tite,Bisco Hatori,Kouyu Shurei
Favourite Movies
Ghost Train, Suicide Circle, Midnight Jellyfish
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
wFL, Dir En Grey, L'arc~en~ciel..countless
Favourite Writers
Jenny Nimmo,Anne Rice
Favourite Games
Forbidden Siren, Bloodrayne...countless
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS2,Illustrator CS2,Open Canvas
Other Interests
designing, trying out new technique...anything profitable


0 min read
Its up to you to FIND ME.DXI would eventually watch those who I know off so yeah =)THIS ACCOUNT IS DEAD and meant for archiving only ^^
anonymous's avatar
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PLEASE DO CHECK IF YOU LOGGED OUT PROPERLY. I was so shocked today when I wanted to log in Deviantart this were the ones who didn't log out in the comps I was using. Its so SCARY! T_T;; Fellow TOA-ians please do watch out next were the ones that 'kena' I'm so sorry but I alread logged out for you all and cleared the cache.:iconCok3ster: - Somehow in point extreme cc at computer 95 (which I am using now for gaming as I am typing this) :icontoonikun: - CL07 ...tak kena logged out.. :iconjeii-chan: - CL07 also! T_T;; I logged out for weirdPlease please please CLEAR your cache-files if you were using PUBLIC computers. This ...
anonymous's avatar
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I'm going to be there so look out!and I've been noticing this for quite a while...not to sound so egotastical or stupid but seriouslythis deviantID of mine has been faved quite a LOT!well not like over 50 favs or such... BUT IT WAS MY STUPID L GHETTO COSPLAY...o_oWHY ARE YOU FAV-ing A DEVIANT ID FOR GOODNESS SAKES......WHY?!!?!? there are many more better L's ANYWAYS..=_=;;aaahhhhh*rams head into car*
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Profile Comments 552

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Erza-Titania-Scarlet's avatar
I made a w-inds group and wondered if you would be interested in joining. :iconkrrw-inds:

If you do remember Shiro@Shironu@Sharon, please go to the above website [link] or [link] to watch her life story. This is Part 1 of the life interview.

Part 2 is out this week. Go to the following link [link] or [link]

Part 3 will be out next month.

Shiro passed away 2 years ago. Look out for her book in the local bookstore in Msia or spore or in september. We are also publishing her book written based on her journal and her love for cosplay. Please ask all your friends to go to the link to watch her story.

Her mom
mirhiel's avatar
nice gallery!
gukimon's avatar
lol thanks ^^
honey-cookie-flash's avatar

Tengan Cuidado con los mensajes que lleguen y digan algo parecido-------> [link] (example)

NO DEN CLICK PARA NADA !! Aparentemente el link lee el login y tu password de DeviantArt y puede robar tu informacion, borrártela, cambiar tu password, e incluso utilizar tu cuenta para propagar el virus y usarlo de spam, INCRIMINÁNDOTE y por ende exponiendote a un banneo por un delito que no has cometido !! (inclusive hasta publicar pornografia en tu gallery con tal de que te banneen )

Reportenlos de inmediato o solo ocultenlos. Tengan cuidado !!!

No dejen que les ocurra lo mismo que ya les ha pasado a varios de nuestros colegas y amigos/as:


Al parecer tambien utilizan nuestras cuentas para propagar dicho virus, o peor aun, para que hasta sus victimas (las de la imagen) sean BANNEADOS por spam, cuando en realidad NO ES SU CULPA, sino la del maldito virus y hacker. :(


Sayonara !!!



lei tambien en otra parte que o.o si tenian el Firefox 3 o algo.. ette mismo te avisaba ke el link al ke entrabas era un link...como decirlo.. camuflado por algo asi como un blog.. y ke enrealidad es una pagina maliciosa..
almenos por suerte ami me paso asi xDDD

asi ke amogos y etc ò.o tengan mucho cuidado con eso! hay un virus ke rapidamente se propaga y no sabemos hasta cuando...

kien habra sido el desgraciado ke solto eso ¬¬;;


mirhiel's avatar
y si uno se fue pollito como yo.... que se hace? sera suficiente cambiar password?
AyJaySama's avatar
anousa~ gukimon-san...

i would like to ask your help tho~~

im doing a magazine project on cosplay culture back at my uni. (im in uitm perak)

so i'm searching for cosplayers to pose for my pictures that is to be put for my magazine..

so if you are interested.. contact me.. and you can put up a price and pick a place. if you have friends who cosplay, bring them along too~~ ^_^

eto.. here's my contact number
