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guitarheroexpert2015 on DeviantArt
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Edit: Changed his eye colour to red to make him look more evil.
Selestia and Soledad's demonic father. Derek. No questions asked. I hate this demonic idiot so much up to the point I consider him my Arch Nemesis. Just like when Rita considers Olivia to be her Arch Nemesis. No wonder he can revive and heal himself. As a demonic spirit, he can also possess anyone's bodies. Like his daughter Selestia for example. I remember being in a battle with him in Selestia72's RP that I did with her. That RP where Derek and I introduced ourselves to each other, then after asking him if he's evil or not, he shows his true and evil colours. After that, the battle started with Derek charging into me and I dodged it. And that's when the battle begins. Derek can also turn giant. And that's when it's time for me to summon my Giant Mecha Ultraman. (Which doesn't exist yet as I have to find a website that'll allow me to create my own Mecha.
Derek Agierla (C)
Selestia and Soledad's demonic father. Derek. No questions asked. I hate this demonic idiot so much up to the point I consider him my Arch Nemesis. Just like when Rita considers Olivia to be her Arch Nemesis. No wonder he can revive and heal himself. As a demonic spirit, he can also possess anyone's bodies. Like his daughter Selestia for example. I remember being in a battle with him in Selestia72's RP that I did with her. That RP where Derek and I introduced ourselves to each other, then after asking him if he's evil or not, he shows his true and evil colours. After that, the battle started with Derek charging into me and I dodged it. And that's when the battle begins. Derek can also turn giant. And that's when it's time for me to summon my Giant Mecha Ultraman. (Which doesn't exist yet as I have to find a website that'll allow me to create my own Mecha.
Derek Agierla (C)
Image size
770x770px 261.17 KB
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Very evil!