Hello !!
I'm interested about military uniform such as Communist uniform so you can see mostly Communist soldier in my artwork
However It's not for political ideology, I'm just interested with Communist and more Cold War uniform and I have some any former communist state military stuff
My english skill is not very well
I hope you like my artwork
I just saw this and I couldn't help but wonder what sort of WW1/Interwar/WW2 references could be used to reuse this iconic example for a fictional dieselpunk setting and for a Germanic-inspired faction?
I guess a lot of period-inspired uniform and helmet designs could fit. But what about something for a magazine-fed, semi-auto battle rifle?
Is Imperial Guard Death Korps of Krieg in Warhammer 40K using Lasgun is laser gun , is soldier in the far future have inspired from WW1 German army
Yes, I already know that WH40k lore. What I meant was using the Imperial Guard Death Korps of Krieg' uniform as a basis for a different fictional soldier set in a fictional WW1/Interwar/WW2-inspired setting and replacing the Lasgun with a magazine-fed, semi-auto battle rifle.
Hey everyone, I've just watched this above video and it introduced me to the M1941 Johnson rifle and M1941 Johnson machine gun.
Apparently, both Johnson rifle and LMG models worked pretty well in combat conditions in the limited numbers they were available and could have developed further if they weren't already beaten out by the M1 Garand and BAR which were already available in large numbers by the time the Johnson's designer first invented them.
That reminded me of these two alternate history WW2 fan-arts set in Harry Turtledove's Timeline 191 Alternate History series.
Basically, is anyone still interested in looking for new small arms ideas for dieselpunk and other alternate history WW2-inspired settings where you have a fictional/alternate history US faction using semi-auto rifles and LMG that aren't based on the overused (in fiction) M1 Garand and BAR?
Hey everyone, I found this video about a post-war Swiss copy of the FG42 but chambered for intermediate rifle rounds.
The Swiss copy is actually a pretty sweet idea for a fictional, dieselpunk-themed Germanic assault rifle without copying the overused StG 44 assault rifle.
It also helps that the Swiss version copied much of the original German FG42 design, while the Swiss made some minor modifications such as the new bayonet mount, using intermediate rifle rounds (while still mostly copying the StG 44 magazine) and mounts for a rifle scope.
Hey @Grzegorz1996 I just received an update about this East German AK-rifle variant and it reminded me of your earlier NVA 90s pic. I thought you might be interested for any future NVA-related pic ideas.
Hey @Grzegorz1996 I recently saw this cartoon and the Empire's soldiers, especially their general uniform styles and assault rifles, made me think of fictional army ideas drawing references or inspiration from Soviet and Warsaw Pact military uniform sources.
For example, imagine the Czech Sa vz. 58 assault rifle as the main base design, combined with design details/references from the Romanian PM md. 63 and PM md. 65 assault rifles, especially their distinctive vertical foregrips integrated into their handguards.
I often thought Czech-designed small arms offer another alternative reference materials for a Warsaw Pact inspired fictional army. Granted, the signature RPG-2 and RPG-7 launchers are pretty hard to miss out due to how iconic and practical their designs are.
What do you think?