Ian quickly closed the box up as neatly as possible. Then, he scanned the bat by the door and went to check the peephole. To his relief and partial disappointment, it was his brother. The thought finally popped into his head, his brother was with him for his whole life, he must know all about mom and dad, and these strange newspaper articles with the same last name as them. But his brother was a fairly big loudmouth, what if he told someone about it and it lead back to the press? Ian opened the door and scanned his brother for a second. he was a tall man, black messy hair worn up. He wore a dark green hoodie, and a pair of blue jeans, with...
Questions Without Answers -2- by gruntz-r-us, literature
Questions Without Answers -2-
Ian slowly approached the kitchen table and took a seat. Before opening the package he took a moment to catch his breath and examine the package. it was a regular brown postal box with no postal stickers or anything of the sort. the only decal on the whole box was his full name on his birth certificate in glittery writing. The only thing on the whole box making it look serious was found when Ian picked it up by the rope binding the box together. Within seconds of picking it up a small cut was made on both of his fingers and dropped one speck of dark red blood onto the name decal. As soon as it hit the rope broke and the box fell onto the t...
Unemployment Through Satan -1- by gruntz-r-us, literature
Unemployment Through Satan -1-
Ian sat perched at his desk, staring blankly into his computer screen. Slowly he clicked and deleted his e-mails one by one. Each one read the same thing: "Sorry, but you have not been accepted for (insert job title here) another applicant with higher credentials has taken the position. We thank you for your time and wish you luck on your job search." What they all really meant to send was: "Sorry but we dont want the advocate of Satan to taint our workspace. Go find some other place to steal innocent lives." Ian had been looking for a job for a good 3 months now and was loving the fact he kept a large amount of his income in his savings. ...
Adrik had awoken screaming in a tantrum. All that could be heard was the wailing cries emitted from his vocal chords. Well, until his older sister Sasha had delivered a whack to his face with the large side of the broom that is. "Adrik! get ahold of yourself that stupid dream isnt real!" shouted his sister. "Ah, uh what? oh sorry sis, I dont know what got over me, im ok now." Adrik frantically stuttered while trying to get himself together to prevent another broom smack. "Yeah, yeah whatever just get yourself ready and down for breakfast." Sasha said as she walked downstars. Adrik slowly slipped on his brown tunic and his leather sandals ...
Wraith awoke dazed to his surroundings. He had no idea where he was but he had one good idea. He was surrounded by a dark simple two way tunnel at the end of the side he awoke facing was a large gate. It was quickly decided the gate was to be further examined due to the fact the other way was nothing but dark and drearyness. As he walked towards the large gates he saw a shadow sitting atop the gate. Once Wraith made it to the gate the creature was identified as a wolf. Its aura was so powerful it gave Wraith a headache just standing in his presence. The wolf introduced himself as Zaku. This told Wraith instantly where he was as Zaku was Ki...
Current Residence: in ur pc deviantWEAR sizing preference: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Favourite photographer: that guy.. you no with no face? Skin of choice: APPle Favourite cartoon character: MUDKIPS!!!!!!!!! Personal Quote: i like men now -ralph wiggum-
Favourite Games
Halo 3 and GH3+ Phoenix wright (obviously :p) Ohhhh and...
Stolen from :iconnaruhodou: who stole it from :iconskyfersspirit:[ ] - You like cheese.
[x] - You hate peanuts.
[x] - You agree that this quiz is random.
[ ] - You have farted today.
[x] - You have choked on something. (MANY MANY TIMES)
[x] - You are a writer. (if you call 3 failtastic chapters a writer then kk)
[ ] - You smoke
[x] - You like to swim. (LIFEGUARD BITCH)
[ ] - You have farted more than once today.
[x] - You like ice cream. (those who dont shall be smitten D:
yep thats right no more acting like a ninja hiding in the ceiling of DA. Sorry i havent been commenting alot on everyones work and journals. Ive been totally busy with my LAZINESS and my stupid laundry..(i hate you laundry..) and everything i touch breaks like my dishwasher and dryer (did i mention i hate laundry?). im also going to be submitting alot more art with corel painter X on trial for 15 more days so expect an arseload of stuff going into your deviations catagory. if anyone has any requests (which no one ever does) i will be happy to draw em. spring break was great except for the bloody flood around here and all the sand bagging i...