ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
hey everyone! hope you're all doing well!
just published the first 3 pages of 'the dead boy...' on tapastic!
here's a link if you want to check it out!
Deviation Actions
hey everyone! sorry i've been pretty inactive lately.
i've got some freelance stuff going on that's
kicking my butt. hopefully i'll be back in action
in the next week or so. trying to set up 'the dead boy'
for another site too. i'll be back soon!
trying to get some newly downloaded streaming programs to work, not having much luck. almost drove myself crazy in the process haha. i'll figure it out later, much, much later. i'll try and spend most of tomorrow actually drawing some new pages inste...
wrote 7 pages of script and I'm about to write 4 - 5 more.
hopefully i'll have some penciled pages by the end of the
weekend! good stuff coming soon!
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YEEEESSS! I've been waiting for this! Dead Boy is gonna slay on Tapastic, I'm so excited.