The Butterfly SiblingsGrovyleFangirl1997 on DeviantArt

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GrovyleFangirl1997's avatar

The Butterfly Siblings



A suggestion by :iconladydelaisol:

She suggested Toffee and Star grown as the age they are currently in the fan fiction, "Hatch Switch"

Star is 14 and Toffee is 8. Even though Toffee is 8 years old, I'd imagine he'd be taller than normal for an 8-year-old since... well... he's a monster; we don't know how Toffee's species ages or how they grow so... :/

The clothes Toffee's wearing were from:…

The author of the fan fiction does not have a DA account, but she is on tumblr. To visit her page, click here:…

If you want to read the fan fiction, click here:…

Toffee and Star belong to Disney

Suggestion from :iconladydelaisol:

AU and fan fiction belongs to Fannishcodex on Tumblr

Clothing for Toffee belong to gayroyaltydraws on Tumblr

Picture was done by Me

Image size
626x702px 45.01 KB
© 2015 - 2025 GrovyleFangirl1997
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ARTZUME's avatar
This is what inspired me to create Comet!