import consciences from brain
def life(mine):
def art():
##Create some "art"
def study():
##Study for school
if PreMed == stress:
I have a world to show, but no courage to show it off.
I'm probably gonna do something about it?
A subreddit? A game? A story?
Eh, don't know.
Will it be fun?
Maybe a year or so from the day of July 14, 2019...
Project name : " Kyo Project "
Characters : Ah, right, those guys; they exist.
A Story/general arc : eh
Fortitude : nah
Initiative : Welcome to procrastinator city, population: me.
Audience : idc, it's fun for me, right?
虚 Project <- [A Japanese character generally meaning utter nothingness/imagination, when alone]
[Pronounced ' key - oh ' , or just kyo, really.]
How is this gonna work?
What would you do with a world that no one else can see?
Creativity is my only escape.
I just have to start.
I just have to keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
Just keep going.
I just have to start again.