I've never seen you here before.grim1978 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/grim1978/art/I-ve-never-seen-you-here-before-673357281grim1978

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grim1978's avatar

I've never seen you here before.



Marcie from Charles M Schulz's Peanuts

Marcie is an intellectual and a bookworm. She is well known for the high quality of her schoolwork, which provides a perfect contrast to Peppermint Patty's ineptness and has provided dozens of punchlines in the strip. She also has a talent for ice skating and music, she has taken organ lessons with Mrs. Hagemeyer . Although not a hater of athletics, her knowledge of sports often seems to be lacking and the rules appear to confuse her.
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LivingOnLaughs's avatar
C.B: thank goodness i found you Can you help me find a copy of Leo's Toystore?
Marcie: Did you say Leo's Toystore?