Flay the flesh, lay bare the bone...grim1978 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/grim1978/art/Flay-the-flesh-lay-bare-the-bone-777638800grim1978

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grim1978's avatar

Flay the flesh, lay bare the bone...



Reekon from Visionaries: Knights of the magical light.

A career thief during the Age of Science, Reekon serves Darkstorm for mercenary reasons. For his stealth and treachery, Merklynn awards him the totem of the Lizard. During both the Age of Science and the Age of Magic, Reekon finds himself engaging in a battle of wits against Ectar. They have a professional rivalry and mutual respect for one another. Reekon has no power staff but has the ability to power vehicles. His main vehicle is the Dagger Assault, which features a containment cell that serves as a Magic Extractor.  "Flay the flesh, lay bare the bone. Upon this field, let grief be sown!

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light was set on the planet Prysmos - post-technological loss. Two groups rise to dominance from the devastation to wage war upon each other. One is controlled by honest and law-abiding people and the other by criminals and villains. Following an open challenge thrown down by the great wizard Merklynn, fourteen surviving knights are granted powers of transformation and magical energy. The groups are now divided between the good Spectral Knights and the evil Darkling Lords. The battle for supremacy begins...

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BMWTaylor's avatar
"There is no such thing as a stupid lizard!" :D