Mal ReynoldsGrigori77 on DeviantArt

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Mal Reynolds



Haven't posted any Whedonverse fanart for a bit, so here's one I've been working my way up to for a while - the mighty Mal Reynolds, captain the of Firefly Serenity and the baddest Browncoat ever ... he's a rebel through and through, don't broach no faith in the Alliance and would rather just have his freedom thanks to his beloved (clunker of a) ship. He's a man of principles, even though he's a proper outlaw all the way, so while he may be on the wrong side of the Law, he always manages to stay in the right ...

This is the most simplistic piece I've done for a while, but it still took me a few attempts to get right, between the sketch (which kicked my arse) and the background (just couldn't work out for a good long while WHAT to do ... even though this has ended up being one of my better ones). I think I got the likeness down pat, at least, at least within my own style - I got Nathan Fillion's MIGHTY NOSTRILS if nothing else :XD: - and I like how the pose ended up. But I'm definitely most pleased with the outfit, which I think I managed to translate pretty much PERFECT. :D Not wanting to blow me own trumpet of 'owt, but ... ;)

"Sure, it would be humiliating, having to lie there while the better man refuses to spill your blood. Mercy is the mark of great man." (shallow jab) "Guess I'm just a good man." (another shallow jab) "Well, I'm all right."

Original inks created with Pilot Hi-tecpoints on Bristol Board, digital colours created in Gimp 2.6 with my Wacom Bamboo Pen. You can find my original pencils, inked lineart, digital colours and background in my scrapbook: [link] , [link] , [link] and [link] Mal Reynolds is property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Image size
1076x2396px 1.47 MB
© 2010 - 2025 Grigori77
anonymous's avatar
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Collon28's avatar
Looks good, and even a good step outside of the standard pose of prior characters.

Mal is definitely one of my favorite characters in the Whedonverse. But would it kill him to get some pants that fit him without the use of suspenders?