Griddle-Cake's avatar


22 Watchers819 Deviations

Mario und Luigi, Oneshot 57 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Oneshot 56 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi im Herzen der Festung 65, Ende by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Im Herzen der Festung 64 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Im Herzen der Festung 63 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Im Herzen der Festung 62 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Im Herzen der Festung 61 by Griddle-Cake, literature

Mario und Luigi, Im Herzen der Festung 60 by Griddle-Cake, literature

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So war es einmal... by Griddle-Cake, literature

So war es einmal... by Griddle-Cake, literature

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SMB Tales: Hochzeit by MrNintMan, literature

SMB Tales: Segen by MrNintMan, literature

SMB Tales: Daneben by MrNintMan, literature

SMB Tales: Entdeckerdrang by MrNintMan, literature

SMB Tales: Namen by MrNintMan, literature

SMB Tales: Ja by MrNintMan, literature

OF PINES BUTTERFLYS - Monsterschock by MrNintMan, literature

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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
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How to Draw a Rose: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
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My Bio

I´m not a drawer in the first row. My most love an lifeblood I took into my Storys. The most of them are Fanfictions. My Owncharaters are meant to be a addition to the leand World and not more. The Original Chacraters I handle with a lot Respect and let they be how they are.

I love to travel around the World, too and have seen many different Places meanwhile. A couple of my Photos you can see here, but with the Camera I´m just a amateur with no hunch for light oder sharp or Backgrounds. My Photos are just beautiful Memories for me.

When you can read my Stories and wish to draw my Characters or Sceneries, so I´m honored when you aks me for this. I´m sure, I will not say "no".

Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Warehouse 13
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Books
Zamonienromane, Bartimäus, Die Seiten der Welt.
Favourite Writers
Michael Ende, Walter Moers, Jonathan Stroud.
Favourite Games
Nintendo: Mario and Luigi, Zelda.
Other Interests
Writing, Reading, Play Guitarr.
I whis you all a Merry Christmas and a great new Year, how hold all for you, was you need and wish.
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8 Facts about Lakilug Kitu At the wish of @MrNintMan, I introduce you Lakilug Kitu Rules: Post Rules Post 8 facts about your Character Tag others Put the Character Name next to the person you tag Lakilug Kitu: His Friends and his Family (was almost is the same) call him Laki. His full name is just used, when Laki is in Trouble, biiig Trouble. He act all the time, as he is the big brother for all his sisters/brothers. But in fact he is the youngest one after Koo-Koo. He wears a rope with a lot of bits an pieces around his shell. But he sees this Stuff as Trophys for the best Sucesses his sisters/brothers arrived. Laki is not able to remember Proverbs right. He mixed it up in a very funny way. At the Beginning Laki do not like Mario and Luigi. He call him "Brüderchen Lulatsch" and "Bruder Großheld." But meanwhile, after a rough time together, the brothers are his brothers. Especally Luigi. Laki has a secret soft spot for him. Laki never meets his father. He disapperas as he
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Morgen gönne ich euch als Feiertagsbonus gleich zwei Kapitel meiner Geschichte. Ihr könnt gespannt sein.
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Profile Comments 43

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BubbleDriver's avatar

🍂🍁🍄 Thank you so much for your fave on Rainy day reflections at Yubabas Bathhouse ! Your support means the world to me ! If you love fairy folklore and comics, I think you'll really enjoy my upcoming webcomic, Unsele. It's all about a modern-day fairytale woven with enchantment and mystery! ✨🧚‍♀️✨🍄 🍂🍁🍄

Thank you for supporting Unsele

Griddle-Cake's avatar

Your are welcome

I love this film and you are really able to catch his magical mood in your art very great.

Femke567's avatar

Danke für den Favoriten :love:

Griddle-Cake's avatar

Sehr gern geschehen, ich hoffe auch auf mehr. ^^

Griddle-Cake's avatar

Das ist toll geworden, die Beiden sehen echt bedrohlich aus.

MrNintMan's avatar

War auch meine Absicht^^