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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • United States
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (154)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)


0 min read
Hey everyone, it's been a while since my last update so I just wanted to post a quick note here...I'm not on DA a whole lot these days, except to comment on artworks by the people I watch, and I only upload art that I consider to be completely finished and/or polished enough for portfolio consideration. I'm still working my day job and slowly chipping away at finishing my studies at my University. So my apologies for the lack of overall activity. I've since moved posting my personal and fandom-related musings to my tumblr blogs (links located above). As I feel those are a more appropriate place for such things. I'll still be around though,...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
Hey all, just a quick update here since that last journal was so old.Spring is here, and I'm still going to school and working my regular day job. Sorry for the lack of art lately, but I'm actually getting close to finishing my BFA Degree in Illustration! Only about a year/year & 1/2 left...Unfortunately with being a senior art student comes all the senior theory-classes. Which means I'm spending the majority of my time writing papers about art theory, history, and practice rather than actually doing art . :CWork is getting busier all the time too. I just work in retail, so the spring & summer seasons are pretty hectic. Hopefully once sch...
anonymous's avatar
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...Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.Hey all. Hope you're having an enjoyable Fall/Autumn/fourth-quarter of the year. I recently just got back from an extended out of town trip to take care of family business, so I'm once again left to get back into the swing of things at home. :dizzy: Taking it one day at a time is my strategy for the time being...and I actually have Saturday off work this week, which never happens, so I'll be trying to use my time wisely and catch up on some art rather than just sitting on my a** and playing video games. Also just wanted to give a quick THANK YOU to everyone for the birthday wishes last ...
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Profile Comments 266

anonymous's avatar
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Danny-Art-project's avatar
Merry christmas hope you are having a wonderful time in this year.
barneyjones123's avatar
 wow i'm impressed by your artwork
greenleafcm's avatar
Thank you very much! I'm glad you like what you've seen. :)
The-Chronothaur's avatar
Just wanted to say that your Spartan illustrations are the best. Keep on truckin'!
greenleafcm's avatar
How can anyone not love the Spartans? ;)
My finished pieces are sometimes few and far between, but I certainly will keep on truckin'! Thank you for all your nice comments, I really appreciate it! :hug:
The-Chronothaur's avatar
And I have a difficulty expressing just how much I appreciate you featuring my work on your blog as well as the watch! It's not every day that you get recognition like that from one of your personal art idols.

Other than that, I just think it's important work that you do, bringing Spartan-II awareness to the masses. I tend to agree with you on most things Halo-related (I'm Skeleborn from Waypoint) but above all I love your enthusiasm about Kelly and Blue Team.