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I've mentioned his father, Spencer Smythe, in a couple of entries, but here's Alistair Smythe and an assortment of Spider Slayers. I drew Alistair first as I figured he'd be a more prominent villain in my vision going forward, but I will be drawing Spencer later.
But anyway--Spencer Smythe was the lead of the engineering department at Horizon Labs, which primarily created mechanisms and robots for military contracts--I mentioned before that the Rhino suit and the Shocker harness were created there. Spencer's personal main project was the creation of robot drones, for combat and non-combat roles alike. I'll go over his story more in depth later, but know that a big shindig goes down during a drone demonstration that ends up getting Spencer Smythe killed. Spider-man was, of course, involved.
His son, the wheelchair bound Alistair, blames Spider-man, of course. His first attempt at revenge involves stealing his father's original prototype drone and weaponizing it and reprogramming it to attack Spider-man. While Peter never finds out who was behind it, some powers that be do--after the death of Spencer a major shake up of ownership at Horizon Labs goes down. It's bought out by... someone, and the new owners hire Alistair as the new head of engineering, knowing full well what he would do with it. Of course, he revives his father's "Slayer" project, creating a small army of robots designed for one thing--slay spiders.
The bipedal robot in the center is Spencer's original drone, modified to be weaponized by Alistair. It would be this universe's equivalent of the original "Jameson robot."
The crawler on the left is an example of a "Spider Drone," a smaller scale slayer designed to overwhelm their prey and do surveillance and stuff.
The big one on the right is an example of the proper "Spider Slayer." These are the killbots. Obviously.
This picture took forever. Everything about it took forever, as it's basically a four character picture in one, and robots aren't my strong suit. Neither are wheelchairs, for that matter. Lots of references used all over the place in this picture. Alistair I wanted to look kind of stereotypically "nerdy," like, he's supposed to sort of look like the last kind of guy who'd be behind something as nefarious as the Spider Slayers. Though maybe the Space Invader on his shirt is a little on the nose.
For the robots I wanted them to look similar in design to the mechanisms I designed for the Rhino suit, to establish a sense of continuity between Smythe's designs. The big slayer's design is reminiscent of RoboCop. The TV screen from the early Spider Slayer designs is something I really wanted to retain here and it took me a while to get them right. I think the thing I'm most glad about this design is that it's all behind me now, I don't have to dread doing it anymore, haha.
But anyway--Spencer Smythe was the lead of the engineering department at Horizon Labs, which primarily created mechanisms and robots for military contracts--I mentioned before that the Rhino suit and the Shocker harness were created there. Spencer's personal main project was the creation of robot drones, for combat and non-combat roles alike. I'll go over his story more in depth later, but know that a big shindig goes down during a drone demonstration that ends up getting Spencer Smythe killed. Spider-man was, of course, involved.
His son, the wheelchair bound Alistair, blames Spider-man, of course. His first attempt at revenge involves stealing his father's original prototype drone and weaponizing it and reprogramming it to attack Spider-man. While Peter never finds out who was behind it, some powers that be do--after the death of Spencer a major shake up of ownership at Horizon Labs goes down. It's bought out by... someone, and the new owners hire Alistair as the new head of engineering, knowing full well what he would do with it. Of course, he revives his father's "Slayer" project, creating a small army of robots designed for one thing--slay spiders.
The bipedal robot in the center is Spencer's original drone, modified to be weaponized by Alistair. It would be this universe's equivalent of the original "Jameson robot."
The crawler on the left is an example of a "Spider Drone," a smaller scale slayer designed to overwhelm their prey and do surveillance and stuff.
The big one on the right is an example of the proper "Spider Slayer." These are the killbots. Obviously.
This picture took forever. Everything about it took forever, as it's basically a four character picture in one, and robots aren't my strong suit. Neither are wheelchairs, for that matter. Lots of references used all over the place in this picture. Alistair I wanted to look kind of stereotypically "nerdy," like, he's supposed to sort of look like the last kind of guy who'd be behind something as nefarious as the Spider Slayers. Though maybe the Space Invader on his shirt is a little on the nose.
For the robots I wanted them to look similar in design to the mechanisms I designed for the Rhino suit, to establish a sense of continuity between Smythe's designs. The big slayer's design is reminiscent of RoboCop. The TV screen from the early Spider Slayer designs is something I really wanted to retain here and it took me a while to get them right. I think the thing I'm most glad about this design is that it's all behind me now, I don't have to dread doing it anymore, haha.
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1520x1270px 1.24 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Green-Mamba
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only one of them looks like it could realistically go toe to toe with spider-man