Kaira vs Shadowline 01GREAT-DUDE on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/great-dude/art/Kaira-vs-Shadowline-01-1043074232GREAT-DUDE

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GREAT-DUDE's avatar

Kaira vs Shadowline 01

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:bulletred: The multiverse is very extensive and the strong Kaila met the Shadowline version of the universe "RESTAURANTE MACOATL " - Comic by my good friend and creator of Kaila :iconflintofmother3: , Visit his page, his work is great!!

:bulletwhite: Art and Kaila character created by :iconflintofmother3:
:bulletgreen: Shadowline, created by me :icongreat-dude:

Bullet; BlackBullet; Pink Join to my Patreonwww.patreon.com/drake_hernande…

Bullet; Blue You can follow me on my Twitter , where I upload the NSFW content that Devianart does not allow me to upload:

Bullet; Orange You can visit me too on my Instagram, where I upload works for all audiences: www.instagram.com/drake_hernan…
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AlexTheBlackWolfAlex's avatar

defeated by a little girl ? what else can surprise Shadowline :3 ?