Cerulean Blood Fantroll AdoptablegraphicalCatharsis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/graphicalcatharsis/art/Cerulean-Blood-Fantroll-Adoptable-404734045graphicalCatharsis

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graphicalCatharsis's avatar

Cerulean Blood Fantroll Adoptable



I'm starting a series of fantroll adoptables: here's the second!

I'm going to set the price for her at 50 points. If you decide to adopt her, I also have a special offer for you.

For 20 extra points, I'll give you a full shaded version of this image for your use...for an extra 10 I'll make a sprite version too! Mind this is super cheap compared to my actual commissions~

So pretty much:
50 points-adoption
60 points-adoption and sprite version
70 points-adoption and shaded version
80 point-adoption, shaded, sprite version

I will send this image, no BG to whoever decides to adopt her :33

Comment on this image first with exactly what you want(just the adoption, or adoption and extra) please. Do not send payment until I confirm your "order". Once I do, you can send the payment, and then you can note me how you wish for me to send you the image; I can do email, tinypic, etc. Tinypic sending will be deleted right after you've noted me you'd downloaded the image(as with any similar image sharing formats).
Image size
616x2000px 4.7 MB
© 2013 - 2025 graphicalCatharsis
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AstroNerd-N7's avatar
Could I adopt her please? ;u;
I would like the adoption, shaded, and the sprite.