Fleur de lis Custom-- before + afterGrandmaThunderpants on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/grandmathunderpants/art/Fleur-de-lis-Custom-before-after-272616094GrandmaThunderpants

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Fleur de lis Custom-- before + after



I made a custom pony of the newest pretty girl pony. :la: She pops up in this week's episode for about 2 minutes, but it was enough! I believe the fandom has dubbed her "Fleur de lis" or just Fleur, but I've heard Elisabeth and Prize Gem as suggestions. Personally, I like Fleur, just because it's fun to say ahaha.

I used a blind bag figure of... Gardenia... something? The pallet swap of Rarity, basically. The one side of her hair was very flippy and cute, like Fleur's so I picked her for a base. :la:

This is just a before/after pic, I will take proper pics of the pony tomorrow in the sunlight! Whee~

And yes she will be for sale once I get better pics. :la: And yes I will recolor other pony figures for you! If you're interested, feel free to note me.

:heart: love me? :heart:

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If you have any questions about how I made this or what it's made of please read EVERYTHING here first. [link]

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610x460px 392.68 KB
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EmotionalOne98's avatar
That is freaking awesome.