Dr Facilier's parentsgraffitihead on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/graffitihead/art/Dr-Facilier-s-parents-142708805graffitihead

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Dr Facilier's parents



Facilier - he's got his father's chin, his mother's bones and the bad nature of both. That's exactly why we love him.

No! Wait, put the pitchforks away - this Wasn't my idea! Look!

hook, cruella & facilier (c) disney

EDIT: Seriously, guys, what the heck, over 2000 views? None of my works have ever been this popular! :XD: I'd be flattered, but because it's... THIS, I'm also slightly disturbed. What next, Daily Deviation?

No, really, you're wicked awesome, people. <3 I love you, nuts.
Image size
850x764px 334.63 KB
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Daviddv1202's avatar
Captain Hook kills children.
Cruella de Vil kills puppies.