Welcome To My Show, My World, A bit of everything that is creative.
I am an old soul, an eclectic witch, a gothic demoness undefined by standards and expectations, I am me.
I am darker than your coffee.
I am halloween.
I am the darkness within.
but I am also a guide through the darkness.
I am many things, I can do many things, I believe in many things.
I endlessly learn, everything I can.
I am a contortionist yes, I was born with a genetic disorder called EDS so yes it is natural.
I am a Gothic demoness,a broken doll, an eclectic witch and a creative soul.
Since I was a child, four maybe three, i have had full worlds, civilizations in my mind, i escape to these worlds, my inspiration comes from them, I belong there more than here it seems and so I share my worlds through every medium i can.
My instagram is my main form of social media and artistic updates: ravenschofield_blackheart.
~Forever Morbid, Raven.~