Epilog (Lost Song)GothicNarcissus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/gothicnarcissus/art/Epilog-Lost-Song-511253358GothicNarcissus

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Epilog (Lost Song)



Я знаю, наверно я вечности древо
И кровью моею накормлены звёзды,
A птицы в листве – мои сны и мечты,
A птицы в листве – мои сны и мечты.

И если паду я, подрубленный смертью,
И если паду я, подрубленный смертью,
И если паду я, подрубленный смертью,
Обрушится небо…

[ Эпилог (Lost Song) – Theodor Bastard ]

Final photo from my and BriarRose’s Белое (Beloe, “white”) project, about which you can read on my blog. Technically speaking, this is the odd one out in the series: it was one of the multiple takes I did for Aruah, but it had quite a life and vibe of its own. While I felt the other one fit the song better, both BriarRose and I were madly in love with this one and wanted to use it. The more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of Эпилог, the final song on Предчувствия И Сны and the only one not to have a counterpart on Ловля Злых Зверей. I think it is a conceptually good closure for the series, for it reprises the second photo in the series, but also has some elements that mirror the firsto ne: in От Холода BriarRose is coming forth and looking concerned, while here she is drifting away towards the background and looking completely unconcerned and liberated.

Photo, concept, editing, styling: GothicNarcissus Photography
Model, grooming: BriarRose

[ Epilogue (Lost Song) ]

“I know, maybe I’m the tree of eternity
And with my blood are sated the stars,
And the birds on the branches are my dreams and fantasies,
And the birds on the branches are my dreams and fantasies.

And if I fall, reapt by Death,
And if I fall, reapt by Death,
And if I fall, reapt by Death,
The sky will cave in.
Image size
1000x667px 598.17 KB
Canon EOS 5D
Shutter Speed
1/800 second
Focal Length
50 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 10, 2014, 2:37:34 PM
Sensor Size
© 2015 - 2025 GothicNarcissus
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