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GothHolly's avatar

Literature Text

Has anyone ever noticed the exception of life?
You can do whatever you want,
Screw it up like hell.
Or just LIVE.
But no one ever just wants to screw the hell up. From Dr. Papp's research,
Screwing the hell up = Just living.
Because the world is full of:
Idiots, jerks, and assholes.
And I may be taking a chance by swearing this much. And I might just screw the hell up my life.
But I just want to live. Now understand my LIVING theory?
Screwing up is just living life.
Have you ever noticed how many people take chances and everyone on the internet is a jerk?
That is always the case, usually, in life.  
Look at all the n00bs in the world. 1f U c4n r34d th15 U r3411y n33d 2 g3T l41D.
So basically, everyone. Take my example of the earth. It's a rectangle. Is it? Yeah, yeah it is. Squares are too old school. Squares are like boxes, except boxes aren't flat.
Some people in the world do think the world is flat. Now that brings me back to the internet! The noobs. If you ever get too far in the internet you will regret it. Especially the younger you are. Internet changes people.
So back to flat, have you ever seen that beautiful girl? And you think, a guy would do ANYTHING to be with her? That's what I think with most of the world. But you have to choose your words carefully. If you suddenly think she's a slut, she might have mental problems that you don't know about. Maybe she doesn't party all night. Maybe she doesn't get high every night. Maybe she was that keener in high-school.
The ticking of this clock isn't bothering me. I can't hear it. Can you hear a dog whistle? I find myself not having trouble. I can hear it. But the older you are, the less you hear it.
It should be time I end this, but I just love rambelling. I don't ramble, I rambell. I like rambelling. For the fun of the bell. Maybe some people think right now my look on life is idiotic. But they I don't care, because I live life.
Now I know what you're thinking:
Holy shit, that was deep man, deep.
I do not own the preview image, And this is just my random ramble.
© 2011 - 2025 GothHolly
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LittleYellowPikmin's avatar
....Holy shit, that was deep man, deep.


....It really was.
You're really good at writing literature,
and because you've got such a great voice, There is no doubt that your gonna be a singer that everyone will adore....and the 2 people in the universe that don't adore you, are gonna get their houses burned down with lemons and round house kicked in the face twice.