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General skayven terms:
Singular: a skayvan
Plural: several skayven
Despite my perchance to forget, "skayven" need not be capitalized (just like "human" is not)
Unless when speaking of the language, Skayvan (like "English" is capitalized)
Despite my perchance to forget, "skayven" need not be capitalized (just like "human" is not)
Unless when speaking of the language, Skayvan (like "English" is capitalized)
The whole skayvan continent: Ihsohdel
Skayvan mountain country: Ronal-Ihsohdel
Skayvan rainforest country: Kihra-Ihsohdel
Skayvan desert country: Toh-Ihsohdel
A color in the UV spectrum that skayven can see but us humans cannot.
Below is the collection of Kihra-ven traits that we gathered while talking to those from the Rain-forest. Do keep in mind that while these are good rules of thumb, they do not apply to every skayven that identifies as such. We have also focused primarily on the binary between men and women, and a skayvan may choose to present themselves outside of this binary.
Head Plumage
- Plumage is the most defining trait of skayvan countries. While the other traits are more likely to vary, the plumage often does not.
- For both sexes, head plumage is often waterproof to keep off the rain forest rain. The individual feathers tend to be thin and sleek.
- For Kihra-ven men, their plumage is the longest and sleekest of skayven. Their plumage tend to have the boldest and most saturated coloration, with the most complex patterns of Jayce--though we cannot see it.
- For Kihra-ven woman, their plumage tends to always lack the longer primary feathers. Their most common plumage colors tend to be browns and de-saturated grays, and they are the least likely to have any Jayce in it.
- Both sexes tend to have he longest ear plumage as well as the least amount of down feathers on the back of their neck.
- The men from Kihra-Ihsodel tend to be the tallest overall, averaging around 5'10"(1.78m) While women tend to be the shortest overall, averaging around 5'2"(1.57m)
- Kihra-ven skin tends to be the darkest in tone overall, and are green in hue. Their darker extremities aren't too much darker than their main skin tone.
- They have the least amount of body plumage, seemingly as an adaptation against the rain-forest heat. Even still, the little body plumage they have is often plucked, regardless of sex, as it is uncomfortable in the heat. Women are very likely to pluck all their arm feathers for this same reason, though it is very rare for a Kihra-ven man to do the same.
- Their eyes tend to be the most angled of the skayven, and they also tend to have the longest conjunctiva, giving the impression of long eyeliner.
- For eye color, darker oranges and gold are more common amongst Kihra-ven, however is still less common then light orange and yellow.
- Their noses tend to hook downward, and sometimes their nose is sectioned into two. The latter is a rarer trait, but it only seems to happen with Kihra-Ven
- Their faces are smooth and come to a point, like a raindrop. Their noses have the highest likelihood to be hooked in shape, which is a desirable trait for both sexes.
- Kihra-ven men have the hardest time growing facial plumage beyond sideburns. The few stray feathers that do grow are very likely to be plucked.
- Kihra-ven fashion is known for its bold colors and complex patterns. If you've ever bought skayven fabric, it was likely Kihra-ven fabric.
- Both sexes tend to wear the least amount of fabric. As the trees provide shade from the sun, there is no need to cover up and any covering fabric would just have them overheat.
- Kihra-ven men are the most likely to wear the complex patterns the country is known for. The clothes tend to highlight their plumage color, and there is very little neutral color. They often color their nails to match their outfit or plumage. Their nails will also be trimmed very short and dulled.
- Women mostly wear browns, but the fabric of these browns may also have complex patterns that are often in yellow, which is the most feminine of bold colors. Any other bright colors are merely accent pieces, and will never overtake the browns. Women tend to keep their sharp nails in case they need to use them in defense.
The Overview:
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I love the outfits of the Kihra-ven! So unique and stylish! And agree- the Kihra-ven men are pretty~ I find their facial structure and color plumage rather attractive myself!
Now help explain this for me because I am struggling really hard to find this information on my own: what is the Jayce color you are referring to? Is this a skayven color palette that is not visible to the human eye? Or is this a real life color scale? Either way, I'd love to know more! (And if you already had, please excuse my brain fog... Just pat me on the head and direct me to the lore that explains it. )