Gorrem's avatar


254 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Digital Art
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My Bio

Current Residence: Burbank (but I'm a New Yorker at heart!)

Favourite genre of music: House music! But also movie soundtracks, retro, funk, jazz, Hip Hop

Favourite style of art: Digital Painting, pencil

Operating System: Windows 3.1

MP3 player of choice: Zune HD

Shell of choice: Heroes-And-A-Half-Shell

Wallpaper of choice: default Windows XP field under a calm blue sky

Skin of choice: The one I'm in

Favourite cartoon character: Tachikoma

Personal Quote: If there were a quality of corny, I'd be the cream of the crop!

Favourite Visual Artist
Moebius, A. Wyeth, Giger, Singer-Sargeant, Rockwell, Crumb, Barlowe, Miyazaki
Favourite Movies
Aliens, Mind Game, Jurassic Park, The Wrestler
Favourite TV Shows
Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Great Pottery Throw Down, Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kerri Chandler, Masters at Work, the Smiths, Soul Coughing, Elvis Costello
Favourite Books
Favourite Games
Guardian Heroes, Soul Calibur 2, ARK, Equilinox
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Adobe Photoshop, mechanical pencil
Other Interests
House dance, Latin Hustle, reptile and invertebrate keeping, urban gardening

Profile Comments 2K

anonymous's avatar
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NonicPower's avatar

I like your drawings Keep it up :clap:

AlexaBliss2024's avatar

hello there I hope you're having a spectacular day can I ask you a question in the dms/chat please and thank you

Zorpha's avatar

Amazing details in your artworks!


rift09's avatar

can you do commissions?

Your works are great, and you have the most perfected gallery on DA.

supersonic318's avatar

Love it Well Done Art Work Galleries Excellent Work

SirTreasureHunter's avatar

I was attracted to your page by your Dune fan art (and everything else too). I'm reading through the books for the first time and excited for the upcoming movie and was curious to know if your Dune work would continue and/or expand, now that the series is coming into the spotlight.