Hi there
I'm feeling better these days, so we can get started with the RPs this Monday night; I have to do something early on Monday morning but after that I think I'll be fine.
It will probably be on Tuesday or Wednesday because those could be the days I go back home as I'm staying at my Grandmother's house for a bit more time as I have to pick up something on on Tuesday/Wednesday and think it would be better if I get it on the way back home.
Okay, thanks for telling me.
Hello there
Just reminding you I'll post the new batch this weekend; still not sure if it will be Saturday or Sunday (it depends on something my brother wants to do), so please send me nothing starting Friday. Thanks.
Hello there
My brother and I will do something next weekend so I'll not be online on Saturday, and might be late on Sunday, so please send nothing starting Friday and until Tuesday. Thanks.
Hello there
I got very delayed again, so it will take me a while to reply. Please don't send anything until Tuesday; thanks.