Gangster's Paradise Igonewiththe-sin on DeviantArt

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gonewiththe-sin's avatar

Gangster's Paradise I



in Milo, Maine there is a mile-long stretch of hundreds of rusted-out, broken-down "gangster" vehicles along the side of the main drag going a good 500 feet back into the woods. No one really knows how they got there.

This is the first photograph of several taken of the same site.

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© 2006 - 2025 gonewiththe-sin
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tommygee21's avatar
Hello... I'm from Milo originally and I still go back periodically to visit my parents. I did a random search for Milo, ME and these pictures came up. What is your connection to Milo? Do you remember what part of town you were in when you stumbled upon the cars? Your pictures are very interesting and have a 'spooky' feel to them.