[C] A God of warGone46 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/gone46/art/C-A-God-of-war-907425602Gone46

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Gone46's avatar

[C] A God of war



DnD Commission for Molrid on discord of his cleric Carrow. The little story he provides me in the mail helps to explain the context.

[i]Carrow Fordgring was a Forge Domain cleric of the Goldnight flight of Angels on Innistrad.  

Now as time went on he slowly went mad with both the trauma of the loss of his friend and approaching an eldritch god.  

So his more stalwart nature manifests in him fusing to his golden armor and corrupting his form to be a metal golem human hybrid


Carrow belongs to Pierva

Art by :icongone46:
Image size
2000x1000px 3.62 MB
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